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Life history parameters of the round sardinella Sardinella aurita in the Central East Atlantic off north-west Africa
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s002531542000079x
Alba Jurado-Ruzafa , Eva Hernández , Verónica Duque-Nogal , Pedro J. Pascual-Alayón , M. Nazaret Carrasco , Alejandro Sancho , M. Teresa G. Santamaría

Sardinella aurita has become an important source of fish protein-intake in NW African countries, where one stock is considered from Morocco to south Senegal, performing seasonal reproductive migrations along the coast. Although data are limited for the fisheries involved and for life-history knowledge of the species in the area, a precautionary approach is recommended to avoid overexploitation. Commercial landings of round sardinella produced by the European freezer-pelagic trawlers operating in Mauritanian waters were analysed between May 2004 and February 2012. The length-weight relationships (LWRs) (N = 40,725) did not show significant differences between sexes. Ripening round sardinellas were present throughout the year, but spawning effort rose between June and December. The length at first maturity for males and females was estimated at 27.7 cm TL (2.1 years) and 28.1 cm TL (2.2 years), respectively. Ages were interpreted from otoliths, varying from 0 to 8 years. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters resulted in non-statistically significant differences between sexes (P = 0.28). Natural mortality was estimated at ~0.63 year–1. The results provide important biological information for fisheries assessment of a species that plays an important key role in the current climate change scenario and for the economies of the riparian countries.


非洲西北部东大西洋中部圆形沙丁鱼 Sardinella aurita 的生活史参数

沙丁鱼已成为西北部非洲国家鱼类蛋白质摄入的重要来源,其中一种种群被认为从摩洛哥到塞内加尔南部,沿海岸进行季节性繁殖迁移。尽管有关渔业和该地区物种生活史知识的数据有限,但建议采取预防措施以避免过度捕捞。对 2004 年 5 月至 2012 年 2 月期间在毛里塔尼亚水域作业的欧洲冷冻远洋拖网渔船生产的圆形沙丁鱼的商业上岸量进行了分析。长度-重量关系 (LWR) (N = 40,725) 没有显示出性别之间的显着差异。全年都有成熟的圆形沙丁鱼,但在 6 月至 12 月期间产卵量有所增加。雄性和雌性第一次成熟的长度估计为 27.7 厘米 TL (2. 1 年)和 28.1 厘米 TL(2.2 年),分别。年龄从耳石解释,从 0 到 8 岁不等。Von Bertalanffy 生长参数导致两性之间的非统计显着差异(= 0.28)。自然死亡率估计约为 0.63 年–1. 这些结果为在当前气候变化情景和沿岸国家经济中发挥重要关键作用的物种的渔业评估提供了重要的生物学信息。