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Coarse Woody Debris’ Invertebrate Community Is Affected Directly by Canopy Type and Indirectly by Thinning in Mixed Scots Pine—European Beech Forests
Forests ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-09 , DOI: 10.3390/f11090975
Ximena Herrera-Alvarez , Juan A. Blanco , J. Bosco Imbert , Willin Alvarez , Gabriela Rivadeneira-Barba

Research Highlights: Thinning and tree species alter the forest floor microclimate by modifying canopy cover, radiation, wind, and humidity. Thus, forest management can directly influence the edaphic mesofauna responsible for decomposing coarse woody debris (CWD). Background and Objectives: This research was carried out in the Southwestern Pyrenees Mountains (Northern Spain) and aimed to determine the influence of forest thinning and canopy type (pure Pinus sylvestris L. or a mix of P. sylvestris and Fagus sylvatica L.) on CWD colonization by edaphic fauna. Materials and Methods: CWD samples were collected belonging to intermediate and advanced decomposition stages, approximately 10 cm long and 5 cm in diameter. Using a design of three thinning intensities (0%, 20%, and 40% of basal area removed), with three replications per treatment (nine plots in total), four samples were taken per plot (two per canopy type) to reach 36 samples in total. Meso- and macrofauna were extracted from CWD samples with Berlese–Tullgren funnels, and individuals were counted and identified. Results: 19 taxonomic groups were recorded, the most abundant being the mesofauna (mites and Collembola). Mixed canopy type had a significant positive influence on richness, whereas advanced decay class had a positive significant influence on total abundance and richness. In addition, there were non-significant decreasing trends in richness and abundance with increasing thinning intensity. However, interactions among thinning intensity, canopy type, and decay class significantly affected mesofauna. Furthermore, some taxonomic groups showed differential responses to canopy type. CWD water content was positively correlated with total invertebrate abundance and some taxonomic groups. Our results suggest that stand composition has the potential to directly affect invertebrate communities in CWD, whereas stand density influence is indirect and mostly realized through changes in CWD moisture. As mesofauna is related to CWD decomposition rates, these effects should be accounted for when planning forest management transition from pure to mixed forests.



研究重点:疏伐和树木物种通过改变树冠覆盖,辐射,风和湿度来改变森林地表的微气候。因此,森林经营可以直接影响负责分解粗木屑(CWD)的土壤中生动物。背景和目的:这项研究是在西南比利牛斯山脉(西班牙北部)进行,旨在确定森林间伐和树冠类型(纯的影响,松sylve小号L.或混合P 樟子松水青冈属)在由食道动物进行的CWD定居中。材料和方法:收集了CWD样品,这些样品属于中级和高级分解阶段,长约10 cm,直径约5 cm。使用三种稀疏强度(除去基底面积的0%,20%和40%)的设计,每次处理重复三遍(共九个样地),每个样地取样四个样品(每个冠层类型两个),达到36个总共样本。用Berlese-Tullgren漏斗从CWD样品中提取中型和大型动物,并对个体进行计数和鉴定。结果:记录了19个分类组,其中最丰富的是中型动物(mites和Collembola)。混合冠层类型对丰度有显着的积极影响,而高级腐烂等级对总丰度和富裕度有积极的显着影响。此外,随着稀疏强度的增加,丰富度和丰度也没有显着下降的趋势。然而,间伐强度,冠层类型和衰减等级之间的相互作用显着影响中型动物群。此外,一些分类组对冠层类型显示出不同的响应。CWD的含水量与无脊椎动物的总丰度和某些分类组呈正相关。我们的结果表明,林分组成有可能直接影响CWD中的无脊椎动物群落,而林分密度的影响是间接的,并且主要通过CWD湿度的变化来实现。由于中型动物区系与CWD分解速率有关,因此在规划森林管理从纯林过渡到混交林时应考虑这些影响。