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Destructive leadership in organizational research: a bibliometric approach
Scientometrics ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s11192-020-03621-3
Maximilian Scheffler , Johannes Brunzel

The dark side leadership literature remains a highly relevant yet fragmented and ambiguous literature stream. Therefore, we conduct a bibliometric analysis using co-citation and pathfinder analysis to describe and visualize the intellectual origins of the field by combining predefined word lists with expert validation. Our results suggest that there are key authors as well as other distinctive characteristics of research that also guides future research. Thematic clusters of the dark side literature suggest heightened emphasis on single dark traits such as narcissism while other constructs such as psychopathy receive little attention. Articles by Tepper can be linked to a central position in the network. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.



黑暗面领导文学仍然是一个高度相关但支离破碎和模棱两可的文学流。因此,我们使用共引和探路者分析进行文献计量分析,通过将预定义的单词列表与专家验证相结合来描述和可视化该领域的知识渊源。我们的结果表明,有一些关键作者以及其他独特的研究特征也可以指导未来的研究。黑暗面文献的主题集群表明,人们更加强调了单一的黑暗特征,例如自恋,而其他诸如精神病等结构很少受到关注。Tepper 的文章可以链接到网络中的中心位置。讨论了对理论和实践的影响。