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Dirac Neutrinos in the Seesaw Mechanism: Violation of the Number of Dirac Neutrinos
Physics of Atomic Nuclei ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-09 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063778820030059
I. T. Dyatlov


The seesaw mechanism, which explains the smallness of the neutrino masses by the involvement of high Majorana masses, leads to particles of the same Majorana nature and to a direct violation of the lepton number. A seesaw version entailing the appearance of only Dirac neutrinos subjected to the same kind of violation is proposed. Such a situation seems possible for heavy neutrinos coupled nonperturbatively to the Higgs boson \(H\). It is required for mirror neutrinos in a model that explains the structure of the quark and lepton weak-mixing matrices by the existence of very heavy mirror neutrinos analogous to Standard Model fermions. A nonperturbative character of the problem being discussed prevents the construction of an analytic solution to it, but the conditions deduced for this problem are indicative of a preferable appearance of precisely Dirac neutrinos within this mechanism. The phenomenon under discussion may be of importance for leptogenesis processes if all neutrinos are Dirac particles.




跷跷板机制通过高马约拉纳质量的参与来解释中微子质量的减小,导致了相同马约拉纳性质的粒子,并直接违反了轻子数。提出了一种跷跷板版本,其仅允许经受相同破坏的狄拉克中微子出现。这样的情况下,似乎可能nonperturbatively耦合到Higgs粒子重中微子\(H \)。镜像中微子在模型中是必需的,该模型通过存在类似于标准模型费米子的非常重的镜像中微子来解释夸克和轻子弱混合矩阵的结构。所讨论问题的非扰动特征阻止了对该问题的解析解决方案的构建,但是为该问题推论出的条件表明该机制中精确地存在狄拉克中微子。如果所有中微子都是狄拉克粒子,则所讨论的现象对于瘦素形成过程可能很重要。
