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Addition of nectar sources affects a parasitoid community without improving pest suppression
Journal of Pest Science ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-09 , DOI: 10.1007/s10340-020-01274-y
Jacob H. Miall , Paul K. Abram , Naomi Cappuccino , Andrew M. R. Bennett , José L. Fernández-Triana , Gary A. P. Gibson , Peter G. Mason

A life-table approach was used to test the effect of adding flowering buckwheat to leek plots on mortality and estimated population growth of the invasive leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella. This approach was used to estimate the benefits of nectar provisioning on multiple members of the leek moth’s parasitoid complex, and the impact of parasitism on the pest’s predicted population growth rate. Addition of buckwheat to leek plots shifted the relative abundance of different larval and pupal parasitoid species but did not increase or decrease parasitism levels or their population-level impact on the leek moth. The life-table analysis demonstrated that parasitoids reduced the estimated population growth rate of the leek moth by up to 72%, which far exceeds similar estimates from its native range. Parasitoids found to contribute to leek moth mortality were Itoplectis conquisitor, Conura albifrons and the biological control agent Diadromus pulchellus. In addition, Gambrus ultimus, Scambus calobatus, and Habrobracon sp. are reported here developing on A. assectella for the first time. This study reinforces the hypothesis that the addition of nectar resources to agricultural systems may not have straightforward positive effects and can favour some natural enemies over others, but may not have any overall impact on pest suppression.



使用生命表方法来测试在韭菜地块上添加开花荞麦对入侵韭菜蛾(Acrolepiopsis assectella)的死亡率和估计种群增长的影响。这种方法被用来估计花蜜调配对韭菜蛾类寄生物复合体的多个成员的好处,以及寄生对害虫的预测种群增长率的影响。在荞麦地块上添加荞麦可以改变不同幼虫和p类寄生虫种类的相对丰度,但不会增加或减少寄生虫水平或它们对韭菜蛾的种群影响。生命表分析表明,寄生虫使韭菜蛾的估计种群增长率最多降低了72%,远远超出了其原生范围的类似估计。被发现有助于韭菜蛾死亡率的拟寄生物伊波托克征服者Conura albifrons和生物防治剂Diadromus pulchellus。此外,还有Gambrus ultimusScambus calobatusHabrobracon sp。据报道,这是首次在念珠菌上发展。这项研究强化了这样一个假说,即向农业系统中添加花蜜资源可能不会产生直接的积极影响,并可能使某些天敌胜过其他天敌,但可能对抑制害虫没有任何总体影响。
