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Dynamic generic and brand advertising decisions under supply disruption
International Journal of Production Research ( IF 9.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-07 , DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2020.1812751
Shigui Ma 1 , Yong He 1 , Ran Gu 2

Enterprise captures market share from competitors through brand advertising and increases consumer demand for this category of products through general advertising. In this paper, considering a supply chain with a manufacturer who is responsible for generic advertising and a retailer who undertakes brand advertising, a Stackelberg differential game-theoretic model is established to examine the impact of supply disruption faced by the manufacturer on the optimal decision-making and profits of supply chain members. When the supply of raw materials is disrupted, the optimal advertising strategies and advertising subsidy scheme designed for the initially estimated product sales need to be revised. The key to solving this problem is to explicitly consider possible deviation profit margins of supply chain members and total market demand for products caused by changes in the original product supply. Considering that the deviations of the profit margins and the total market demand are arbitrary, we analytically derive several propositions and obtain the optimal advertising strategies and the advertising subsidy scheme before and after the supply disruption. Then, we explore the impact of supply disruption through numerical analysis and provide management insights that are helpful for managers to re-design the advertising strategies and advertising subsidy schemes under supply disruption.



企业通过品牌广告从竞争对手手中夺取市场份额,并通过一般广告增加消费者对此类产品的需求。在本文中,考虑一个由负责通用广告的制造商和一个负责品牌广告的零售商组成的供应链,建立 Stackelberg 微分博弈理论模型来检验制造商面临的供应中断对最优决策的影响:供应链成员的利润。当原材料供应中断时,需要修改为初步估计的产品销售设计的最优广告策略和广告补贴方案。解决这个问题的关键是明确考虑供应链成员的利润率和产品的市场总需求量可能因原产品供应变化而产生的偏差。考虑到利润率和市场总需求的偏差是任意的,我们分析推导出几个命题,得到供应中断前后的最优广告策略和广告补贴方案。然后,我们通过数值分析探讨供应中断的影响,并提供有助于管理者重新设计供应中断下的广告策略和广告补贴方案的管理见解。我们分析推导了几个命题,得到了供应中断前后的最优广告策略和广告补贴方案。然后,我们通过数值分析探讨供应中断的影响,并提供有助于管理者重新设计供应中断下的广告策略和广告补贴方案的管理见解。我们分析推导了几个命题,得到了供应中断前后的最优广告策略和广告补贴方案。然后,我们通过数值分析探讨供应中断的影响,并提供有助于管理者重新设计供应中断下的广告策略和广告补贴方案的管理见解。