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Long‐term ecological legacies in western Amazonia
Journal of Ecology ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-05 , DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13501
Christine M. Åkesson 1 , Crystal N.H. McMichael 2 , Marco F. Raczka 2, 3 , Seringe N. Huisman 2 , Mona Palmeira 2 , Johnny Vogel 2 , David Neill 4 , Jason Veizaj 1 , Mark B. Bush 1

  1. Modifications of Amazonian forests by pre‐Columbian peoples are thought to have left ecological legacies that have persisted to the modern day. Most Amazonian palaeoecological records do not, however, provide the required temporal resolution to document the nuanced changes of pre‐Columbian disturbance or post‐disturbance succession and recovery, making it difficult to detect any direct, or indirect, ecological legacies on tree species.
  2. Here, we investigate the fossil pollen, phytolith and charcoal history of Lake Kumpaka, Ecuador, during the last 2,415 years in c. 3–50 year time intervals to assess ecological legacies resulting from pre‐Columbian forest modification, disturbance, cultivation and fire usage.
  3. Two cycles of pre‐Columbian cultivation (one including slash‐and‐burn cultivation, the other including slash‐and‐mulch cultivation) were documented in the record around 2150–1430 cal. year BP and 1250–680 cal. year BP, with following post‐disturbance succession dynamics. Modern disturbance was documented after c. 10 cal. year BP. The modern disturbance produced a plant composition unlike those of the two past disturbances, as fire frequencies reached their peak in the 2,415‐year record. The disturbance periods varied in intensity and duration, while the overturn of taxa following a disturbance lasted for hundreds of years. The recovery periods following pre‐Columbian disturbance shared some similar patterns of early succession, but the longer‐term recovery patterns differed.
  4. Synthesis. The trajectories of change after a cessation of cultivation can be anticipated to differ depending on the intensity, scale, duration and manner of the past disturbance. In the Kumpaka record, no evidence of persistent enrichment or depletion of intentionally altered taxa (i.e. direct legacy effects) was found but indirect legacy effects, however, were documented and have persisted to the modern day. These findings highlight the strengths of using empirical data to reconstruct past change rather than relying solely on modern plant populations to infer past human management and ecological legacies, and challenge some of the current hypotheses involving the persistence of pre‐Columbian legacies on modern plant populations.



  1. 据信,前哥伦布时期的人们对亚马逊河森林的改造留下了生态遗产,这种遗产一直持续到现代。但是,大多数亚马孙古生态记录都没有提供所需的时间分辨率来记录哥伦布前扰动或扰动后继承和恢复的细微变化,这使得很难检测到树种的任何直接或间接生态遗产。
  2. 在这里,我们调查Kumpak湖的花粉化石,植硅体和木炭历史一个在过去2415年中,厄瓜多尔,Ç。3至50年的时间间隔,以评估哥伦布时期前森林改造,干扰,耕种和火灾所产生的生态遗产。
  3. 大约在2150–1430 cal左右的记录中记录了哥伦布时期前的两个种植周期(一个包括刀耕火种栽培,另一个包括刀耕火种栽培)。BP和1250–680 cal年。BP,并遵循以下干扰后演替动态。c之后记录了现代骚扰。10卡路里 年BP。现代火灾产生的植物成分不同于过去的两次干扰,因为火灾频率达到了2,415年的最高记录。扰动期的强度和持续时间各不相同,而扰动后的分类单元翻转持续了数百年。哥伦布前扰动后的恢复期具有相似的早期演替模式,但长期恢复模式不同。
  4. 综合。可以预期,停止耕种后的变化轨迹会根据过去干扰的强度,规模,持续时间和方式而有所不同。在Kumpak一个记录,没有持续的富集或故意改变类群的损耗(即直接影响遗产)的证据被发现,但间接影响的传统,但是,被记录在案,并持续到现代。这些发现凸显了使用经验数据重构过去的变化而不是仅仅依靠现代植物种群来推断人类过去的管理和生态遗产的优势,并且挑战了当前的一些假设,这些假设涉及哥伦布时期以前对现代植物种群的持久性。