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Estimation of daily intake of lycopene, antioxidant contents and activities from tomatoes, watermelons, and their processed products in Korea
Applied Biological Chemistry ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-04 , DOI: 10.1186/s13765-020-00534-w
Hyunjeong Park , Young-Jun Kim , Youngjae Shin

Tomatoes, watermelons, and processed tomato products contain abundant antioxidant compounds, including lycopene. In spite of the interest in the role of lycopene, little is known about the contribution of tomatoes and tomato products commonly consumed in Korea to the intake of lycopene. In this study, the daily per capita intake values of lycopene and antioxidant compounds and activities of tomatoes, watermelons, and their processed products in Korea were estimated. The daily per capita intake values of lycopene from raw tomatoes, watermelons, tomato ketchup, and tomato juice were measured to be 1.07, 0.54, 0.26, and 0.08 mg/capita/day, respectively. The average lycopene intake of male and female were 1.98 and 1.92 mg/capita/day, respectively. The daily per capita intake value of total phenolics was highest in raw tomatoes (7.21 mg/capita/day), followed by watermelons (1.72 mg/capita/day), tomato ketchup (1.41 mg/capita/day), and tomato juice (0.80 mg/capita/day). The daily per capita intake value of total antioxidant activities also showed a similar pattern to total phenolic results. The overall daily per capita intake of antioxidant content and activities was affected by both the daily per capita intake of each product and the levels of antioxidant content and activities of each product. The daily per capita intake of these products in Korea is currently considerably low, compared to the U.S. and Europe. Thus, an adequate consumption of lycopene-rich products is recommended.



西红柿,西瓜和加工过的西红柿产品含有丰富的抗氧化剂,包括番茄红素。尽管人们对番茄红素的作用感兴趣,但对于番茄和韩国通常食用的番茄制品对番茄红素摄入的贡献知之甚少。在这项研究中,估计了韩国番茄红素和抗氧化剂化合物的人均每日摄入量以及西红柿,西瓜及其加工产品的活性。从人均番茄,西瓜,番茄酱和番茄汁测得的番茄红素的人均日摄入量分别为人均/天1.07、0.54、0.26和0.08 mg /人/天。男性和女性的番茄红素平均摄入量分别为每人每天1.98和1.92 mg。生番茄中人均酚类物质的每日人均摄入量最高(7.21 mg /人/天),其次是西瓜(1.72 mg /人/天),番茄酱(1.41 mg /人/天)和番茄汁(0.80 mg /人/天)。总抗氧化剂活性的人均日摄入量也显示出与总酚类结果相似的模式。人均每天摄入的抗氧化剂含量和活性总量受每种产品的每日人均摄入量以及每种产品的抗氧化剂含量和活性水平的影响。与美国和欧洲相比,韩国目前这些产品的人均每日摄入量很低。因此,建议充分食用富含番茄红素的产品。总抗氧化剂活性的人均日摄入量也显示出与总酚类结果相似的模式。人均每天摄入的抗氧化剂含量和活性总量受每种产品的每日人均摄入量以及每种产品的抗氧化剂含量和活性水平的影响。与美国和欧洲相比,韩国目前这些产品的人均每日摄入量很低。因此,建议充分食用富含番茄红素的产品。总抗氧化剂活性的人均日摄入量也显示出与总酚类结果相似的模式。人均每天摄入的抗氧化剂含量和活性总量受每种产品的每日人均摄入量以及每种产品的抗氧化剂含量和活性水平的影响。与美国和欧洲相比,韩国目前这些产品的人均每日摄入量很低。因此,建议充分食用富含番茄红素的产品。与美国和欧洲相比。因此,建议充分食用富含番茄红素的产品。与美国和欧洲相比。因此,建议充分食用富含番茄红素的产品。