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Combination of dopamine agonist and prostaglandin administration for pregnancy termination in bitches – a novel approach
Journal of Applied Animal Research ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/09712119.2020.1814784
Branimira Špoljarić 1 , Davor Svoboda 2 , Darko Gereš 1 , Silvijo Vince 1 , Daniel Špoljarić 1 , Maja Popović 1 , Damir Žubčić 1 , I. Butković 1 , J. Šavorić 1 , J. Grizelj 1 , M. Samardžija 1

ABSTRACT Pregnancy termination is a required procedure in companion animal practice. In healthy bitches with confirmed pregnancy, good results are obtained with the combination of prostaglandin F2 and dopamine agonist, followed by regular sonographic examination until confirmed abortion. The aim of this study was to establish a simple and easily applicable procedure, with different dynamics of application of dinoprost and cabergoline. Dinoprost was administered intramucousally in the vestibule of vagina. Twenty bitches were divided into four equal groups. Group A received dinoprost and cabergoline daily; group B received dinoprost every 48 h and cabergoline daily; group C received dinoprost daily and cabergoline every 48 h, and group D received both cabergoline and dinoprost every 48 h. The treatment lasted until abortion was sonographically confirmed. The pregnancy was successfully terminated in all bitches, and side effects appeared in 90% animals, though they were of strong intensity in only 15% of bitches. Dinoprost administered intramucousally was effective with fewer undesirable, strong, systemic side effects. Drug administration every 48 h also induced abortion, with negligible side effects, but with slightly longer duration of treatment. This combination could be interesting in cases with time-limited owners and in countries where other drugs are unavailable.



摘要 终止妊娠是伴侣动物实践中的必要程序。在确认怀孕的健康母犬中,前列腺素 F2 和多巴胺激动剂的组合可获得良好的结果,然后定期进行超声检查直至确认流产。本研究的目的是建立一个简单且易于应用的程序,具有不同的地诺前列素和卡麦角林应用动态。地诺前列素在阴道前庭粘膜内给药。二十只母狗被分成四个相等的组。A 组每天接受地诺前列素和卡麦角林;B 组每 48 小时接受一次地诺前列素,每天接受卡麦角林;C 组每天接受地诺前列素和卡麦角林每 48 小时,D 组每 48 小时接受卡麦角林和地诺前列素。治疗一直持续到超声检查证实流产。所有母犬都成功终止了妊娠,90% 的动物出现了副作用,尽管只有 15% 的母犬出现了强烈的副作用。地诺前列素粘膜内给药是有效的,不良的、强烈的、全身性副作用较少。每 48 小时给药一次也会引起流产,副作用可以忽略不计,但治疗持续时间略长。这种组合在有时间限制的所有者和其他药物不可用的国家的情况下可能会很有趣。全身性副作用。每 48 小时给药一次也会引起流产,副作用可以忽略不计,但治疗持续时间略长。这种组合在有时间限制的所有者和其他药物不可用的国家的情况下可能会很有趣。全身性副作用。每 48 小时给药一次也会引起流产,副作用可以忽略不计,但治疗持续时间略长。这种组合在有时间限制的所有者和其他药物不可用的国家的情况下可能会很有趣。