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Description of Emeryus Zacca, Mielke & Casagrande gen. nov. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) to accommodate three species formerly placed in Paryphthimoides Forster, 1964
Austral Entomology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-03 , DOI: 10.1111/aen.12479
Thamara Zacca 1 , Mirna M. Casagrande 2 , Olaf H. H. Mielke 2 , Blanca Huertas 3 , Eduardo P. Barbosa 1 , André V. L. Freitas 1 , Keith R. Willmott 4

A new genus of Euptychiina, Emeryus Zacca, Casagrande & Mielke, gen. nov., is herein described using an integrative taxonomic approach to accommodate three species previously placed in Paryphthimoides Forster, 1964: Emeryus argulus argulus (Godart, [1824]), comb. nov. (type species), Emeryus difficilis (Forster, 1964), comb. nov. and Emeryus numeria (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867), comb. nov. Additionally, a new taxon Emeryus argulus magnum Zacca, Casagrande & Mielke, ssp. nov. from Venezuela (Aragua and Bolívar) and Brazil (Roraima), is described. A neotype is designated for Satyrus argulus Godart, [1824], and lectotypes are designated for Euptychia huebneri Butler, 1867, Euptychia ambigua Butler, 1867 and Neonympha numeria C. Felder & R. Felder, 1867. Female genitalia are described and illustrated for the first time for all of the above taxa. A Maximum Likelihood analysis using combined nuclear and mitochondrial genes supports the monophyly of the new genus. No DNA sequences could be obtained for E. numeria, but its inclusion in the genus is supported by morphological evidence. The genitalic morphology of both sexes of Emeryus species is helpful in distinguishing this genus from the other Euptychiina, although the male genitalia structures are highly conserved among congeners.


Emeryus Zacca,Mielke和Casagrande gen的描述。十一月 (鳞翅目:Nymphalidae)可以容纳三个以前放置在Paryphthimoides Forster的物种,1964年

Euptychiina,Emeryus Zacca,Casagrande&Mielke的新属。十一月 本文使用整合生物分类学方法描述了可容纳先前放置在Paryphthimoides Forster,1964中的三个物种的梳状金刚砂(Godart,[1824])。十一月 (类型种),Emeryus difficilis(Forster,1964),梳子。十一月 Emeryus numeria(C. Felder&R.Felder,1867),梳子。十一月 此外,新类群Emeryus argulus膨大 扎卡,卡萨格兰德&米尔克,SSP。十一月描述了委内瑞拉(阿拉瓜和玻利瓦尔)和巴西(罗赖马)的石油。一个新型被指定为Satyrus argulus Godart,[1824],而选型被指定为Euptychia huebneri Butler,1867,Euptychia ambigua Butler,1867和Neonympha numeria C. Felder&R. Felder,1867。所有上述分类单元的第一次。使用核和线粒体基因组合基因的最大似然分析支持该新属的单性。尚无针对大肠杆菌的DNA序列,但形态学证据支持其包含在该属中。金刚砂性别的生殖器形态 尽管雄性生殖器的结构在同类动物中高度保守,但该物种有助于将该属与其他Euptychiina区分开。