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Decision-making at a T-junction by gradient-sensing microscopic agents
Physical Review Fluids ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 
Tanvi Gandhi, Jinzi Mac Huang, Antoine Aubret, Yaocheng Li, Sophie Ramananarivo, Massimo Vergassola, Jérémie Palacci

Active navigation relies on effectively extracting information from the surrounding environment, and often features the tracking of gradients of a relevant signal - such as the concentration of molecules. Microfluidic networks of closed pathways pose the challenge of determining the shortest exit pathway, which involves the proper local decision-making at each bifurcating junction. Here, we focus on the basic decision faced at a T-junction by a microscopic particle, which orients among possible paths via its sensing of a diffusible substance’s concentration. Specifically, we study the navigation of colloidal particles by diffusiophoresis, and highlight the crucial role of junctions in determining the statistics of the paths chosen by the particles. We demonstrate the harsh limits faced by a microscopic agent attempting to follow the shortest path, even for agents that reliably track local concentration gradients. We further use numerical experiments to search for navigation strategies that achieve a better selection of optimal paths, including biomimetic strategies such as run and tumble or Markovian chemotactic migration. We show that the latter perform similarly to the colloidal particles, whilst an alternatively engineered “run and whirl” strategy allows a point particle to effectively emulate larger particles and navigate with higher efficiency.


