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Environmental DNA identifies marine macrophyte contributions to Blue Carbon sediments
Limnology and Oceanography ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-31 , DOI: 10.1002/lno.11579
Alejandra Ortega 1 , Nathan R. Geraldi 2 , Carlos M. Duarte 2

This research was funded by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology through baseline funding provided to CMD. We thank CMOR staff, R/V Thuwal crew, Andrea Anton, and members of CMD research group for help during sampling. We also thank Ruben Diaz-Rua and Wajitha J. Raja Mohamed Sait for their help in sample processing.


环境 DNA 确定海洋大型植物对蓝碳沉积物的贡献

这项研究由阿卜杜拉国王科技大学通过提供给 CMD 的基线资金资助。我们感谢 CMOR 工作人员、R/V Thuwal 工作人员、Andrea Anton 和 CMD 研究小组成员在采样过程中提供的帮助。我们还要感谢 Ruben Diaz-Rua 和 Wajitha J. Raja Mohamed Sait 在样品处理方面的帮助。