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Design of a multibeam solar laser station for a megawatt solar furnace
Optical Engineering ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-31 , DOI: 10.1117/1.oe.59.8.086103
Hugo Costa 1 , Joana Almeida 1 , Dawei Liang 1 , Dário Garcia 1 , Miguel Catela 1 , Bruno D. Tibúrcio 1 , Cláudia R. Vistas 1

Abstract. A multirod solar side-pumping concept is proposed to study the feasibility of multirod/multibeam laser systems in large-sized solar furnaces. This scheme was based on the one-megawatt solar furnace (MWSF) in Odeillo, France, which collected and concentrated solar rays into an input face of a solar homogenizer placed at the focal zone. At its output face, 12 laser heads were positioned, each of which was composed of a two-dimensional compound parabolic concentrator that focused the uniform solar radiation from the homogenizer’s output to an Nd:YAG rod mounted inside a fused silica flow tube. Each laser rod was pumped by one-twelfth of the total concentrated solar power transmitted through the homogenizer, ensuring a good thermal performance under highly concentrated solar power. A 22.84-kW total multimode solar laser power, corresponding to 12.48-W / m2 collection efficiency and 2.28% solar-to-laser power conversion efficiency, was numerically determined. The latter represents an enhancement of 1.75 times over the previous numerically calculated value for a multirod/multibeam laser scheme based on another one-MWSF near Tashkent, Uzbekistan.



摘要。提出了多棒太阳能侧泵浦概念,以研究多棒/多光束激光系统在大型太阳能炉中的可行性。该方案基于法国奥代约的 1 兆瓦太阳能炉 (MWSF),该炉将太阳光线收集并集中到位于焦区的太阳能均化器的输入面。在其输出面上,放置了 12 个激光头,每个激光头都由一个二维复合抛物面聚光器组成,该聚光器将来自均化器输出的均匀太阳辐射聚焦到安装在熔融石英流管内的 Nd:YAG 棒上。每根激光棒都由通过均化器传输的总聚光太阳能的十二分之一泵浦,确保在高聚光太阳能下具有良好的热性能。总功率为 22.84 kW 的多模太阳能激光器,对应于 12.48-W/m2 的收集效率和 2.28% 的太阳能到激光功率转换效率,是通过数值确定的。对于基于乌兹别克斯坦塔什干附近的另一个 MWSF 的多棒/多光束激光方案,后者比之前的数值计算值提高了 1.75 倍。