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Glacial discharge into the subarctic Northeast Pacific Ocean during the last glacial
Global and Planetary Change ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2020.103301
G.E.A. Swann

Abstract Understanding the response of the climate to abrupt changes in the Earth system represents a key objective in paleoclimatology. Heinrich events in the last glacial, during which significant amounts of glacial discharge entered the North Atlantic Ocean, triggered the development of colder conditions across much of the globe. Despite widespread documentation of these events, including their occurrence and global significance, the impact of Heinrich events on the North American Cordilleran Ice Sheet and subarctic North Pacific Ocean remains relatively unconstrained. Here, records of diatom oxygen isotopes are used to show that significant amounts of glacial discharge from the Cordilleran Ice Sheet were released into the open waters of the northeast Pacific Ocean throughout the last glacial. Based on the available age model, many of these episodes and calculated changes in sea surface salinity coincide with Heinrich events. If accurate, these findings would confirm that ocean-atmospheric teleconnections linked the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans during intervals of abrupt change in the last glacial, as well as indicating the wider susceptibility of regional ice-sheets to global alterations in the climate system.



摘要 了解气候对地球系统突变的响应是古气候学的一个关键目标。上一次冰期发生的海因里希事件,在此期间大量的冰川排放进入北大西洋,引发了全球大部分地区的寒冷气候发展。尽管对这些事件的广泛记录,包括它们的发生和全球意义,海因里希事件对北美科迪勒拉冰盖和亚北极北太平洋的影响仍然相对不受限制。在这里,硅藻氧同位素的记录被用来表明在整个最后一次冰川期间,来自科迪勒拉冰盖的大量冰川排放物被释放到东北太平洋的开阔水域中。根据可用的年龄模型,许多这些事件和计算出的海面盐度变化与海因里希事件相吻合。如果准确的话,这些发现将证实,在末次冰期突然变化的间隔期间,海洋-大气遥相关将北大西洋和北太平洋联系起来,并表明区域冰盖对全球气候系统变化的更广泛敏感性。