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Diet of tadpoles for five anuran species of northeast Brazil:
Journal of Limnology ( IF 1.673 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-09 , DOI: 10.4081/jlimnol.2020.1912
Airan dos Santos Protázio , Arielson dos Santos Protázio , Vivian Gama , Samantha Vieira Silva , Carla Giovanna Cruz dos Santos , Joanna Karine Gomes de Oliveira

In this study, the diet of tadpoles of five anuran species was described. The species were collected from either lotic or lentic environments in Caatinga and the Atlantic Forest biome of northeast Brazil. The diet of these tadpoles consisted of algae, protozoa, plants, fungi and animals. Diatoms were the most important items within the diet of Leptodactylus natalensis. Trachelomonas, diatoms, Phacus and Scenedesmus were the most important items comprising the diet of Leptodactylus cf. macrosternum. Trachelomonas, Oscillatoria and Scenedesmus were the most important items comprising the diet of Pithecophus nordestinus. Diatoms and Scenodesmus were the most important items of the diet for Rhinella jimi. For Scinax x-signatus, diatoms (Atlantic Forest population), Oscillatoria, undetermined filament and pollen (Caatinga population) were the most important items consumed. Scinax x-signatus and L. natalensis from Atlantic Forest, and L. cf. macrosternum and P. nordestinus from Caatinga had diets that were the most similar. The diversity of items found in the diets of species considered may be attributed to mechanisms used by tadpoles to obtain food, which favour the acquisition of suspended materials that are highly available in the environment. We discuss the possible effects of the relationship between algae and tadpoles and the importance of recording larvae diets to better understand the dynamics of the aquatic environment and the trophic ecology of tadpoles.



在这项研究中,描述了五种无色species的饮食。该物种是从Caatinga和巴西东北部的大西洋森林生物群落中的抽烟或lentic环境中收集的。这些t的饮食包括藻类,原生动物,植物,真菌和动物。硅藻是纳塔氏扁豆饮食中最重要的食物。气管假单胞菌,硅藻,PhacusScenedesmus是组成Leptodactylus cf饮食的最重要项目。胸骨TrachelomonasOscillatoriaScenedesmus是最重要的食物,包括Pithecophus nordestinus。硅藻和盲肠莱茵兰饮食中最重要的食物。对于Scinax x信号,硅藻(大西洋森林种群),Oscillatoria,未定丝和花粉(Caatinga种群)是最重要的消耗品。Scinax X-signatusL.纳塔尔从大西洋森林,和L.参见 macrosternumP. nordestinus来自Caatinga的饮食最相似。在所考虑物种的饮食中发现的物品的多样性可能归因于t获取食物的机制,这有利于获取环境中高度可用的悬浮物质。我们讨论了藻类与t之间关系的可能影响,以及记录幼虫饮食以更好地了解the的水生环境和营养生态学的重要性。
