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Impact of soil stockpiling on ericoid mycorrhizal colonization and growth of velvetleaf blueberry (Vaccinium myrtilloides) and Labrador tea (Ledum groenlandicum)
Restoration Ecology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-27 , DOI: 10.1111/rec.13276
Sepideh Fadaei 1 , Shanjida Khan 1 , Michelle Young 2 , Ira Sherr 3 , Janusz J Zwiazek 1

Soil stockpiling is a common practice prior to the reclamation of surface mines. In this study, velvetleaf blueberry and Labrador tea plants were grown from seed in fresh soil, stockpiled soil (1 year), and autoclaved stockpiled soil (1 year) obtained from the Canadian boreal forest. After 7 months of growth, the root colonization intensity with ericoid mycorrhizal (ERM) fungi in both plants growing in stockpiled soil was lower compared to plants growing in the fresh soil. The diversity of ERM fungal species in roots also decreased due to soil stockpiling and Pezoloma ericae was absent from the plants growing in stockpiled soil. Changes in the ERM root colonization in plants growing in stockpiled soil were accompanied by decreases in root and shoot dry weights. Leaf chlorophyll, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentrations of velvetleaf blueberry were higher in fresh soil compared to 1‐year stockpiled soil. Plants grown in the autoclaved stockpiled soil became colonized by the thermotolerant ERM fungus Leohumicola verrucosa and showed higher root and shoot biomass compared to the nonautoclaved stockpiled soil. The results point to the importance of ERM fungi for growth of ericaceous plants, even under favorable environmental conditions and adequate fertilization, and suggest that reduced ERM colonization intensity and ERM fungal diversity in roots likely contributed to the negative effects of soil stockpiling on growth of velvetleaf blueberry and Labrador tea.



在露天矿山开垦之前,土壤储备是一种常见的做法。在这项研究中,使用从加拿大北方森林中获得的新鲜土壤,堆肥土壤(1年)和高压灭菌堆肥土壤(1年)中的种子种植了天鹅绒蓝莓和拉布拉多茶树。生长7个月后,与在新鲜土壤中生长的植物相比,在堆积土壤中生长的两种植物中类固醇菌根(ERM)真菌的根部定植强度都较低。根系中的土壤蓄积Pezoloma ericae也减少了根部ERM真菌种类的多样性在堆积的土壤中生长的植物中缺少。在堆积土壤中生长的植物中,ERM根部定植的变化伴随着根和茎干重的减少。与一年储存的土壤相比,新鲜土壤中绒状蓝莓的叶绿素,氮和磷的浓度更高。耐高温ERM真菌Leohumicola verrucosa在高压灭菌堆肥土壤中生长的植物定居与未蒸煮的堆肥土壤相比,显示出更高的根和茎生物量。结果表明,即使在有利的环境条件下和适当的施肥条件下,ERM真菌对菊科植物的生长也很重要,并表明降低的ERM菌落强度和根部的ERM真菌多样性可能会导致土壤储备对丝绒植物的生长产生负面影响。蓝莓和拉布拉多茶。