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Multi-year occupancy of the hops blue butterfly (Celastrina humulus): habitat patch colonization and extinction
Journal of Insect Conservation ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s10841-020-00264-w
R. A. Schorr , R. M. Maison , C. P. Puntenney

The hops azure (Celastrina humulus) is a locally-abundant, rare butterfly in Colorado and Montana, that uses wild hops (Humulus lupulus) as a host plant. Because of the patchy distribution of wild hops and current land use changes, the butterfly is a species of conservation concern. The hops azure is abundant along the riparian systems of the U.S. Air Force Academy (Academy) because wild hops is readily available and most land-use impacts have not reached much of the Academy. However, the riparian systems of the Academy are experiencing increased flooding from off-base, hard-surface development, making it harder for riparian vegetation, like wild hops, to thrive. To describe the prevalence and persistence of the hops azure, we conducted multi-year occupancy sampling to understand habitat-patch occupancy changes, such as patch extinction and colonization, and to identify factors that impact detectability. Wind speed, the area of wild hops, and the amount of cloud cover and solar exposure influenced probability of hops azure detection. Patch occupancy and extinction are influenced by the area of wild hops, suggesting that as host plant patch sizes get smaller, patch extinction increases and occupancy decreases. Detectability and occupancy were higher than expected, and the probability of patch extinction and colonization were extremely low. Management efforts to expand wild hops growth within the hops azure’s range, increase continuity of wild hops expanses, and retain the hydrology that supports wild hops should increase the stability of azure populations.


啤酒花蓝蝴蝶(Celastrina humulus)的多年占有率:栖息地斑块的殖民化和灭绝

天蓝色啤酒花 (Celastrina humulus) 是科罗拉多州和蒙大拿州当地丰富的稀有蝴蝶,它使用野生啤酒花 (Humulus lupulus) 作为寄主植物。由于野生啤酒花的零星分布和当前的土地利用变化,蝴蝶是一种受保护的物种。美国空军学院 (Academy) 的河岸系统沿线有丰富的天蓝色啤酒花,因为野生啤酒花随手可得,而且大多数土地利用影响尚未影响到学院的大部分地区。然而,学院的河岸系统正在经历来自基地外、硬地表开发的洪水增加,使得河岸植被(如野生啤酒花)更难茁壮成长。为了描述啤酒花天蓝色的流行和持久性,我们进行了多年占用抽样以了解栖息地补丁占用的变化,例如斑块灭绝和定植,并确定影响可检测性的因素。风速、野生啤酒花的面积、云量和太阳照射量都会影响啤酒花天蓝色检测的概率。斑块占有率和灭绝率受野生啤酒花面积的影响,这表明随着寄主植物斑块尺寸变小,斑块灭绝率增加而占有率降低。可探测性和占用率高于预期,斑块灭绝和定植的概率极低。在 azure 范围内扩大野生啤酒花生长的管理工作,增加野生啤酒花扩展的连续性,并保留支持野生啤酒花的水文应增加 azure 种群的稳定性。云量和太阳照射量影响啤酒花天蓝色检测的概率。斑块占有率和灭绝率受野生啤酒花面积的影响,这表明随着寄主植物斑块尺寸变小,斑块灭绝率增加而占有率降低。可探测性和占用率高于预期,斑块灭绝和定植的概率极低。在 azure 范围内扩大野生啤酒花生长的管理工作,增加野生啤酒花扩展的连续性,并保留支持野生啤酒花的水文应增加 azure 种群的稳定性。云量和太阳照射量影响啤酒花天蓝色检测的概率。斑块占有率和灭绝率受野生啤酒花面积的影响,这表明随着寄主植物斑块尺寸变小,斑块灭绝率增加而占有率降低。可探测性和占用率高于预期,斑块灭绝和定植的概率极低。在 azure 范围内扩大野生啤酒花生长的管理工作,增加野生啤酒花扩展的连续性,并保留支持野生啤酒花的水文应增加 azure 种群的稳定性。斑块消光增加,占用率降低。可探测性和占用率高于预期,斑块灭绝和定植的概率极低。在 azure 范围内扩大野生啤酒花生长的管理工作,增加野生啤酒花扩展的连续性,并保留支持野生啤酒花的水文应增加 azure 种群的稳定性。斑块消光增加,占用率降低。可探测性和占用率高于预期,斑块灭绝和定植的概率极低。在 azure 范围内扩大野生啤酒花生长的管理工作,增加野生啤酒花扩展的连续性,并保留支持野生啤酒花的水文应增加 azure 种群的稳定性。