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Effects of novel dental chews on oral health outcomes and halitosis in adult dogs.
Journal of Animal Science ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-26 , DOI: 10.1093/jas/skaa274
Meredith Q Carroll 1 , Patricia M Oba 1 , Kelly M Sieja 1 , Celeste Alexander 2 , Lynn Lye 3 , Maria R C de Godoy 1, 2 , Fei He 1 , Amy J Somrak 4 , Stephanie C J Keating 4 , Adrianna M Sage 4 , Kelly S Swanson 1, 2, 4

Periodontal disease is the most common clinical condition occurring in adult dogs. The objective of this study was to evaluate the benefits of daily dental chew administration on oral health outcomes in adult dogs. Twelve adult (mean age = 5.31 ± 1.08 yr; mean BW = 13.12 ± 1.39 kg) female beagle dogs were used in a replicated 4x4 Latin square design consisting of 28-d periods. On d 0 of each period, teeth were cleaned by a veterinary dentist blinded to treatments. Teeth then were scored for plaque, calculus, and gingivitis by the same veterinary dentist on d 28 of each period. Breath samples were measured for malodor (volatile sulfur compounds) on d 1, 7, 14, 21, and 27 of each period. All dogs consumed the same commercial dry diet throughout the study. Control dogs were offered the diet only, while treatment groups received the diet plus one of three dental chews. Two novel chews [Bones & Chews Dental Treats (Chewy, Inc., Dania Beach, FL); Dr. Lyon’s Grain-Free Dental Treats (Dr. Lyon’s, LLC, Dania Beach, FL)] and a leading brand chew [Greenies Dental Treats (Mars Petcare US, Franklin, TN)] were tested. Each day, one chew was provided 4 hr after mealtime. All tooth scoring data were analyzed using the Mixed Models procedure of SAS (version 9.4; SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Halimeter data were analyzed using repeated measures using the Mixed Models procedure of SAS and testing for differences due to treatment, time, and treatment*time interaction. Data are reported as LS means ± SEM with statistical significance set at p&0.05. Dr. Lyon’s dental treats performed at the same level as the leading brand, Greenies, as both resulted in lower (p&0.05) plaque coverage and thickness scores, calculus coverage scores, and d 27 volatile sulfur concentrations compared to controls. Additionally, Dr. Lyon’s dental treats reduced (p&0.05) volatile sulfur compounds on d 14 when compared to controls. Bones and Chews dental treats reduced (p&0.05) calculus coverage and d 27 volatile sulfur concentrations compared to controls. Our results suggest that the dental chews tested in this study may help slow the development and/or progression of periodontal disease in dogs.



牙周病是成年犬最常见的临床病症。本研究的目的是评估每日咀嚼牙齿对成年犬口腔健康结果的益处。十二只成年(平均年龄 = 5.31 ± 1.08 岁;平均体重 = 13.12 ± 1.39 kg)雌性比格犬用于重复的 4x4 拉丁方设计,由 28 天组成。在每个时期的第 0 天,由对治疗不知情的兽医牙医清洁牙齿。然后在每个时期的第 28 天由同一位兽医对牙齿的牙菌斑、牙结石和牙龈炎进行评分。在每个周期的第 1、7、14、21 和 27 天测量呼气样本的恶臭(挥发性硫化合物)。在整个研究过程中,所有狗都食用相同的商业干粮。只给对照组狗提供饮食,而治疗组接受饮食加上三种牙齿咀嚼中的一种。两种新颖的咀嚼物 [Bones & Chews Dental Treats (Chewy, Inc., Dania Beach, FL); Dr. Lyon 的无谷物牙科零食(Dania Beach, FL)] 和领先品牌的咀嚼物 [Greenies Dental Treats (Mars Petcare US, Franklin, TN)] 进行了测试。每天,在进餐后 4 小时提供一次咀嚼。使用 SAS 的混合模型程序(版本 9.4;SAS Institute,Cary,NC)分析所有牙齿评分数据。使用 SAS 的混合模型程序并测试由于处理、时间和处理 * 时间相互作用而产生的差异,使用重复测量来分析 Halimeter 数据。数据报告为 LS 平均值 ± SEM,统计显着性设置为 p&0.05。Lyon 博士的牙科治疗与领先品牌 Greenies 处于同一水平,因为与对照相比,两者都导致较低的 (p&0.05) 斑块覆盖率和厚度评分、牙结石覆盖率评分和 d 27 挥发性硫浓度。此外,与对照组相比,Lyon 博士的牙科治疗在第 14 天减少了 (p&0.05) 挥发性硫化合物。与对照相比,Bones and Chews 牙科治疗剂降低 (p&0.05) 牙结石覆盖率和 d 27 挥发性硫浓度。我们的结果表明,本研究中测试的牙齿咀嚼物可能有助于减缓狗牙周病的发展和/或进展。与对照相比,Bones and Chews 牙科治疗剂降低 (p&0.05) 牙结石覆盖率和 d 27 挥发性硫浓度。我们的结果表明,本研究中测试的牙齿咀嚼物可能有助于减缓狗牙周病的发展和/或进展。与对照相比,Bones and Chews 牙科治疗剂降低 (p&0.05) 牙结石覆盖率和 d 27 挥发性硫浓度。我们的结果表明,本研究中测试的牙齿咀嚼物可能有助于减缓狗牙周病的发展和/或进展。