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Geometric and statistical techniques for projective mapping of chocolate chip cookies with a large number of consumers
arXiv - CS - Computational Geometry Pub Date : 2020-08-24 , DOI: arxiv-2008.10431
David Orden, Encarnaci\'on Fern\'andez-Fern\'andez, Marino Tejedor-Romero, Alejandra Mart\'inez-Moraian

The so-called rapid sensory methods have proved to be useful for the sensory study of foods by different types of panels, from trained assessors to unexperienced consumers. Data from these methods have been traditionally analyzed using statistical techniques, with some recent works proposing the use of geometric techniques and graph theory. The present work aims to deepen this line of research introducing a new method, mixing tools from statistics and graph theory, for the analysis of data from Projective Mapping. In addition, a large number of n=349 unexperienced consumers is considered for the first time in Projective Mapping, evaluating nine commercial chocolate chips cookies which include a blind duplicate of a multinational best-selling brand and seven private labels. The data obtained are processed using the standard statistical technique Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA), the recently appeared geometric method SensoGraph using Gabriel clustering, and the novel variant introduced here which is based on the pairwise distances between samples. All methods provide the same groups of samples, with the blind duplicates appearing close together. Finally, the stability of the results is studied using bootstrapping and the RV and Mantel coefficients. The results suggest that, even for unexperienced consumers, highly stable results can be achieved for MFA and SensoGraph when considering a large enough number of assessors, around 200 for the consensus map of MFA or the global similarity matrix of SensoGraph.



事实证明,所谓的快速感官方法对不同类型的专家组(从训练有素的评估员到没有经验的消费者)进行的食品感官研究很有用。传统上使用统计技术分析来自这些方法的数据,最近的一些工作建议使用几何技术和图论。目前的工作旨在深化这方面的研究,引入一种新方法,将统计学和图论的工具相结合,用于分析投影映射的数据。此外,投影映射首次考虑了大量 n=349 没有经验的消费者,评估了九个商业巧克力曲奇,其中包括一个跨国畅销品牌和七个自有品牌的盲目复制品。获得的数据使用标准统计技术多因素分析 (MFA)、最近出现的使用 Gabriel 聚类的几何方法 SensoGraph 以及此处介绍的基于样本之间成对距离的新变体进行处理。所有方法都提供相同的样本组,盲重复出现在一起。最后,使用 bootstrapping 以及 RV 和 Mantel 系数研究结果的稳定性。结果表明,即使对于没有经验的消费者,当考虑足够多的评估者时,MFA 和 SensoGraph 也可以获得高度稳定的结果,MFA 的共识图或 SensoGraph 的全局相似性矩阵约为 200。以及这里介绍的新变体,它基于样本之间的成对距离。所有方法都提供相同的样本组,盲重复出现在一起。最后,使用 bootstrapping 以及 RV 和 Mantel 系数研究结果的稳定性。结果表明,即使对于没有经验的消费者,当考虑足够多的评估者时,MFA 和 SensoGraph 也可以获得高度稳定的结果,MFA 的共识图或 SensoGraph 的全局相似性矩阵约为 200。以及这里介绍的新变体,它基于样本之间的成对距离。所有方法都提供相同的样本组,盲重复出现在一起。最后,使用 bootstrapping 和 RV 和 Mantel 系数研究结果的稳定性。结果表明,即使对于没有经验的消费者,当考虑足够多的评估者时,MFA 和 SensoGraph 也可以获得高度稳定的结果,MFA 的共识图或 SensoGraph 的全局相似性矩阵约为 200。