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Effects of Temperature and Light on Methane Production of Widespread Marine Phytoplankton
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-25 , DOI: 10.1029/2020jg005793
T. Klintzsch 1 , G. Langer 2 , A. Wieland 1 , H. Geisinger 1 , K. Lenhart 1, 3 , G. Nehrke 4 , F. Keppler 1, 5

Methane (CH4) production in the ocean surface mixed layer is a widespread but still largely unexplained phenomenon. In this context marine algae have recently been described as a possible source of CH4 in surface waters. In the present study we investigated the effects of temperature and light intensity (including daylength) on CH4 formation from three widespread marine algal species Emiliania huxleyi, Phaeocystis globosa, and Chrysochromulina sp. Rates of E. huxleyi increased by 210% when temperature increased in a range from 10°C to 21.5°C, while a further increase in temperature (up to 23.8°C) showed reduction of CH4 production rates. Our results clearly showed that CH4 formation of E. huxleyi is controlled by light: When light intensity increased from 30 to 2,670 μmol m−2 s−1, CH4 emission rates increased continuously by almost 1 order of magnitude and was more than 1 order of magnitude higher when the daylength (light period) was extended from 6/18 hr light‐dark cycle to continuous light. Furthermore, light intensity is also an important factor controlling CH4 emissions of Chrysochromulina sp. and P. globosa and could therefore be a species‐independent regulator of phytoplankton CH4 production. Based on our results, we might conclude that extensive blooms of E. huxleyi could act as a main regional source of CH4 in surface water, since blooming of E. huxleyi is related to the seasonal increase in both light and temperature, which also stimulate CH4 production. Under typical global change scenarios, E. huxleyi will increase its CH4 production in the future.



海洋表面混合层中的甲烷(CH 4)生产是一种普遍存在的现象,但仍然是无法解释的现象。在这方面,近来海藻被描述为地表水中CH 4的可能来源。在本研究中,我们研究了温度和光强度(包括日长)对三种广泛分布的海洋藻类Emiliania huxleyiPhaeocystis globosaChrysochromulina sp。CH 4形成的影响。当温度在10°C至21.5°C范围内升高时,霍乱弧菌的发生率增加210%,而温度进一步升高(最高23.8°C)则表明CH 4的减少生产率。我们的结果清楚地表明,赫克斯利肠杆菌的CH 4形成受光控制:当光强度从30增加到2,670μmolm -2  s -1时,CH 4发射速率连续增加近1个数量级,并超过1。当日长(光照周期)从6/18小时的明暗周期延长到连续光照时,数量级增加。此外,光强度也是控制Chrysochromulina sp。CH 4排放的重要因素。和P. globosa,因此可能是浮游植物CH 4的物种独立调节剂生产。根据我们的结果,我们可能会得出结论,虎的大量开花可能是地表水中CH 4的主要区域来源,因为虎的开花与光照和温度的季节性增加有关,这也刺激了CH 4生产。在典型的全球变化情况下,赫黎E. huxleyi将来会增加其CH 4的产量。