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A “Mega Population” of the Wild Potato Species Solanum fendleri
American Journal of Potato Research ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s12230-020-09790-4
John Bamberg , Alfonso del Rio , Charles J. Fernandez , Ingrid Bamberg

Genebanks aim to maximize the preservation, classification, evaluation and distribution of germplasm in their collections to researchers and breeders. The wild is the source of most of the diversity available to genebanks, so diversity in the wild and how to best capture it also deserves study. The ultimate in valuable information from the wild would be the discovery of a large robust population at a single location on public land that is very easy to visit and contains a large proportion of the total genetic diversity detected in the species, which we have termed a “MegaPopulation”. We here report such a population of the wild potato species Solanum fendleri in the USA (also known as S. stoloniferum) on Mount Lemmon at the top of the Santa Catalina mountains near Tucson, Arizona.



种质库旨在最大程度地将其种质中的种质保存,分类,评估和分配给研究人员和育种者。野生是种质库可利用的大多数多样性的来源,因此野生的多样性及其最佳捕获方法也值得研究。从野外获得有价值的信息的最终方法是在公共土地上的单个位置发现大量健壮的种群,这些种群很容易访问,并且包含了该物种中检测到的全部遗传多样性的很大一部分,我们称之为“超级人口”。我们在此报告了位于亚利桑那州图森附近的圣卡塔利娜山脉顶部的莱蒙山上的美国野生马铃薯物种Solanum fendleri(又称stoloniferum)的种群。
