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Sahulia , a new endemic genus and a generic key to Sapotaceae in New Guinea
Kew Bulletin ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s12225-020-09894-4
Ulf Swenson , Jennifer Kearey

Sahulia suboppositifolia (Sapotaceae, Chrysophylloideae) is described and illustrated as a new monotypic genus from New Guinea. The species is so far only known from four collections made in lowland tropical rainforest near Lake Murray in the west and Koitaki east of Port Moresby. As a member of Sapotaceae with white latex, entire leaves, and flowers in fascicles, it is readily distinguished by the combination of opposite leaves, non-areolate venation, and almost 10 mm long green flowers with a bristle-like corolla margin consisting of short, rather thick, and pointing trichomes. We also provide a new generic key to Sapotaceae for New Guinea.



Sahulia suboppositifolia(Sapotaceae,Chrysophylloideae)被描述为新几内亚的一个新的单型属。迄今为止,仅从西部莫里湖附近的低地热带雨林和莫尔兹比港东部的Koitaki的四个集合中才知道该物种。作为Sapotaceae的一员,白色乳胶,整片叶子和花朵簇生,它的特征是对生的叶子,无乳晕的脉络和近10毫米长的绿色花朵与刚毛状的花冠边缘(短而短)组成,很粗,很尖。我们还为新几内亚提供了一种新的Sapotaceae通用密钥。