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Population structure of the chub mackerel (Scomber colias) in the North-east Atlantic inferred from otolith shape and body morphometrics
Marine and Freshwater Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1071/mf19389
A. A. Muniz , A. Moura , R. Triay-Portella , C. Moreira , P. T. Santos , A. T. Correia

The Atlantic chub mackerel (Scomber colias) is an important commercial fish species of the North-east Atlantic. Two-year-old individuals collected between January and April of 2018 at six sampling locations (45 fish per site) of the North-east Atlantic (Azores, Madeira, Canaries and mainland Portugal – Matosinhos, Sesimbra and Portimao) were used for body morphometrics and otolith-shape analyses. Data were analysed by univariate and multivariate statistics. Re-classification success using shape analyses and body morphometrics showed an overall rate of 51 and 74% respectively. Regional differences regarding the otolith-shape analyses suggested a single stock, not necessarily homogenous, with a discrete separation of two main groups (oceanic islands and mainland Portugal). However, body morphometrics showed a more detailed separation in two main groups (Canaries and the others, but with a slight differentiation between fish from Azores-Madeira and mainland Portugal). Moreover, joint analyses gave an overall re-classification success of 82% and allowed a more comprehensive scenario, showing the existence of three main groups (Canaries, Azores-Madeira and mainland Portugal). Regional differences are probably related with different oceanographic conditions influencing the feeding regime and fish growth. The hereby data suggest that S. colias caught in the North-east Atlantic are different population units, and we recommend a fishery management at a finer regional scale.


从耳石形状和身体形态计量学推断东北大西洋鲭鱼(Scomber colias)的种群结构

大西洋鲭鱼 (Scomber colias) 是东北大西洋重要的商业鱼类。2018 年 1 月至 4 月在东北大西洋(亚速尔群岛、马德拉群岛、加那利群岛和葡萄牙大陆——马托西纽斯、塞辛布拉和波尔蒂芒)的六个采样地点(每个地点 45 条鱼)收集的两岁个体用于身体形态测量和耳石形状分析。通过单变量和多变量统计分析数据。使用形状分析和身体形态测量学的重新分类成功率分别为 51% 和 74%。关于耳石形状分析的区域差异表明单一种群,不一定是同质的,两个主要群体(海洋岛屿和葡萄牙大陆)离散分离。然而,身体形态测量显示了两个主要群体(金丝雀和其他群体,但来自亚速尔群岛-马德拉群岛和葡萄牙大陆的鱼类)的更详细的分离。此外,联合分析给出了 82% 的总体重新分类成功率,并允许更全面的情景,显示存在三个主要群体(加那利群岛、亚速尔群岛-马德拉群岛和葡萄牙大陆)。区域差异可能与影响摄食方式和鱼类生长的不同海洋条件有关。特此数据表明在东北大西洋捕获的大肠杆菌是不同的种群单位,我们建议在更精细的区域范围内进行渔业管理。联合分析给出了 82% 的总体重新分类成功率,并允许更全面的场景,显示存在三个主要群体(加那利群岛、亚速尔群岛-马德拉群岛和葡萄牙大陆)。区域差异可能与影响摄食方式和鱼类生长的不同海洋条件有关。特此数据表明在东北大西洋捕获的大肠杆菌是不同的种群单位,我们建议在更精细的区域范围内进行渔业管理。联合分析给出了 82% 的总体重新分类成功率,并允许更全面的场景,显示存在三个主要群体(加那利群岛、亚速尔群岛-马德拉群岛和葡萄牙大陆)。区域差异可能与影响摄食方式和鱼类生长的不同海洋条件有关。特此数据表明在东北大西洋捕获的大肠杆菌是不同的种群单位,我们建议在更精细的区域范围内进行渔业管理。