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Swimming ability and behavior of Mrigal carp Cirrhinus mrigala and application to fishway design
Aquatic Biology ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-12 , DOI: 10.3354/ab00702
L Cai , Y Hou , D Johnson , P Zhao , P Zhang

ABSTRACT: To mitigate the impact of river fragmentation on fish resulting from dams, specifically the fragmentation of Indian rivers, the design and construction of high-efficiency fishways is important. Information on fish swimming ability and behavior is necessary to develop design criteria for the target species, Cirrhinus mrigala, a cyprinid native to India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Swimming ability and behavior data for the genus are limited. To augment existing information, the swimming ability and behavior of juvenile C. mrigala were investigated by determining their induced flow velocity (Uind), critical swimming speed (Ucrit), and burst speed (Uburst) in a swimming respirometer. To facilitate application to fishway design, swimming assessment data were converted to a cumulative response; for Uind, it is the cumulative percentage of fish swimming against the current at a given velocity, and for Ucrit and Uburst, it is the percentage of fish able to maintain a given velocity for the specified time interval without fatigue. Results include 2 primary findings. (1) The cumulative response velocity (%) of fish induced to swim, or reach fatigue, increased with flow velocity. The cumulative velocity is useful for developing fishway design criteria. (2) The mean values of Uind, Ucrit, and Uburst were 0.427 ± 0.013, 2.768 ± 0.146 and 3.493 ± 0.121 body lengths s-1 (±SE). The values of Ucrit and Uburst indicate that the swimming ability of C. mrigala is relatively low for a cyprinid.



摘要:为减轻河流破碎对大坝造成的鱼类的影响,特别是印度河流的破碎,高效鱼道的设计和建设非常重要。关于鱼类游泳能力和行为的信息对于制定针对目标物种Cirrhinus mrigala的设计标准是必要的,该物种是印度,巴基斯坦和孟加拉国的原生塞浦路斯。该属的游泳能力和行为数据有限。增强现有的信息,游动能力和行为少年C.鲮通过测定其诱导流动速度(调查Ú IND),临界游泳速度(Ú爆击),和突发速度(Û突发)在游泳呼吸计中。为了便于应用于鱼道设计,将游泳评估数据转换为累积响应;对于U ind,它是在给定速度下相对于水流游动的鱼的累积百分比,对于U critU爆发,它是能够在指定的时间间隔内保持给定速度而不会疲劳的鱼的百分比。结果包括2个主要发现。(1)诱导游泳或达到疲劳的鱼的累积响应速度(%)随流速增加。累积速度对于制定鱼道设计标准很有用。(2)U indU critU的平均值U爆发为0.427±0.013、2.768±0.146和3.493±0.121体长s -1(±SE)。U暴击U爆发的值表明,对于塞浦路斯人,C。mrigala的游泳能力相对较低。