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Reaching the zero by 30 dog-mediated human rabies goal
Microbiology Australia Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.1071/ma20004
Andrea Britton

It is unacceptable that as we advance into the 21st century rabies is still a threat to humans and animals alike. Given public health interventions that focus solely on disease prevention in humans have no effect on the reduction of infection in the reservoir hosts, the most effective way to combat human rabies infection is to control the disease transmission by mass vaccination of the animal source, e.g. dogs and wildlife1. This short communication focuses on the global strategic target to end human deaths from dog-mediated rabies by 20302 in line with the Sustainable Development Goals by providing recent updates on World Health Organization (WHO) and OIE guidelines35 and recommendations as well as highlighting Australian rabies research activities to prevent an incursion of rabies into the country.



随着我们进入21世纪,狂犬病仍然对人类和动物构成威胁,这是令人无法接受的。鉴于仅专注于人类疾病预防的公共卫生干预措施对减少水库宿主的感染没有影响,因此抵抗人类狂犬病感染的最有效方法是通过对动物源(如狗)进行大规模疫苗接种来控制疾病传播和野生动植物1。这个简短的沟通侧重于全球的战略目标,到2030年结束,从狗介导的狂犬病人的死亡2与可持续发展目标通过世界卫生组织(WHO)和世界动物卫生组织的准则提供的最近更新3 - 5 和建议,并重点介绍澳大利亚狂犬病研究活动,以防止狂犬病入侵澳大利亚。
