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Redescription of the enigmatic jellyfish, Crambionella annandalei (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) from Indian waters
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s0025315420000703
Pralaya Ranjan Behera , M. A. Jishnudev , Raju Saravanan , Subal Kumar Roul , Shubhadeep Ghosh , V. Uma Mahesh , K. K. Joshi

The catostylid jellyfish, Crambionella annandalei was originally described by Rao (1932) based on a preserved specimen collected from the Andaman Sea. Since then, no detailed taxonomic studies have been conducted and the species is often misidentified. Here, we provide a detailed morphological re-description of C. annandalei from fresh material collected at a variety of locations along the east coast of India. The species can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of morphological characters, the most important of which are the proportion of terminal club length to oral arm length (0.48 ± 0.031), the proportion of the distal portion of the oral arm to naked proximal portion (7.25 ± 0.268) and the body colour. The occurrence of intra-specific colour variation in fresh specimens was also observed in the present study.


重新描述来自印度水域的神秘水母 Crambionella annandalei(刺胞动物:Scyphozoa)

catostylid水母,安南达莱蟹黄藻最初由 Rao (1932) 根据从安达曼海采集的保存标本进行描述。从那以后,没有进行详细的分类学研究,并且该物种经常被错误识别。在这里,我们提供了详细的形态学重新描述C.安南达莱来自印度东海岸各地收集的新鲜材料。该物种可以通过形态特征的组合与其同类相区别,其中最重要的是末端球杆长度与口臂长度的比例(0.48±0.031),口臂远端部分与裸近端的比例部分 (7.25 ± 0.268) 和体色。在本研究中还观察到新鲜标本中存在种内颜色变化。