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Performance evaluation of combined ultraviolet-ultrasonic technologies in removal of sulfonamide and tetracycline resistant Escherichia coli from domestic effluents
Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.2166/washdev.2020.144
Owassa Dza Rebecca Annisha 1 , Zifu Li 1 , Xiaoqin Zhou 1 , Ngomah Madgil Don Stenay 2 , Oscar Omondi Donde 3

Proper treatment of wastewater is key to the achievement of sustainable environmental management. The use of ultraviolet radiation and ultrasound have continued to be considered as some of the best sustainable practices in wastewater purification. However, despite the suitability of the two emerging techniques in sustainably increasing the purification efficiencies of wastewater, their application has not been fully understood, especially in eliminating faecal pathogenic microorganisms. Moreover, their combined potential in the elimination of Escherichia coli resistant genes from wastewater has not been adequately explored. This study was designed to evaluate the potential of individual and combined/integrated ultraviolet radiation and ultrasonic technologies in the removal of antibiotic-resistant E. coli from domestic effluents. There was a statistical difference in the mean log units of sulfonamide resistant E. coli between the different ultraviolet radiation and ultrasonic dosages (P < 0.05), showing that ultraviolet radiation technology was more effective in the removal of both sulfonamide and tetracycline resistant E. coli from the wastewater. However, the integrated ultraviolet radiation-ultrasonic technique was highly efficient and is recommended in the removal of antibiotic resistant E. coli from wastewater. Nonetheless, further studies also need to be performed to further evaluate the disinfection effectiveness on a different bacteria species under continuous operation.



正确处理废水是实现可持续环境管理的关键。紫外线和超声波的使用一直被认为是废水净化中最佳的可持续方法。然而,尽管这两种新兴技术在可持续地提高废水的净化效率方面是合适的,但是它们的应用还没有被完全理解,特别是在消除粪便病原微生物方面。此外,尚未充分探索它们在从废水中消除大肠杆菌抗性基因的综合潜力。这项研究旨在评估单个和组合/集成的紫外线辐射和超声波技术在去除抗生素耐药性方面的潜力来自生活污水的大肠杆菌。在不同的紫外线和超声波剂量之间,耐磺酰胺的大肠杆菌的平均对数单位之间存在统计学差异(P <0.05),表明紫外线技术对磺酰胺和耐四环素的大肠杆菌的去除效果更好来自废水。但是,集成的紫外线-超声波技术非常高效,建议从废水中去除抗药性大肠杆菌。然而,还需要进行进一步的研究以进一步评估在连续操作下对不同细菌种类的消毒效果。
