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On induced saturation for paths
European Journal of Combinatorics ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejc.2020.103204
Eun-Kyung Cho , Ilkyoo Choi , Boram Park

For a graph H, a graph G is H-induced-saturated if G does not contain an induced copy of H, but either removing an arbitrary edge from G or adding an arbitrary non-edge to G creates an induced copy of H. Depending on the graph H, an H-induced-saturated graph does not necessarily exist. In fact, (Martin and Smith, 2012) showed that P4-induced-saturated graphs do not exist, where Pk denotes a path on k vertices. Given that it is easy to construct Pk-induced-saturated graphs for k{2,3}, (Axenovich and Csikós, 2019) asked whether such graphs exist or not for k5. Recently, Räty (2020) constructed a graph that is P6-induced-saturated. In this paper, we show that there exists a Pk-induced-saturated graph for infinitely many values of k. To be precise, for each positive integer n, we construct infinitely many P3n-induced-saturated graphs. Furthermore, we also show that the Kneser graph K(n,2) is P6-induced-saturated for every n5.



对于图 HGH诱导饱和如果G 不包含的归纳副本 H,但可以从中删除任意边 G 或将任意非边缘添加到 G 创建的归纳副本 H。取决于图HH诱导饱和图不一定存在。实际上,(Martin和Smith,2012年)表明P4诱导饱和图不存在 Pķ 表示的路径 ķ顶点。鉴于它很容易构造Pķ引起的饱和图 ķ{23},(Axenovich andCsikós,2019)询问是否存在这样的图 ķ5。最近,Räty(2020)构造了一个图P6-诱导饱和。在本文中,我们表明存在一个Pķ的无穷多个数值的-诱导饱和图 ķ。确切地说,对于每个正整数ñ,我们构造了无限多个 P3ñ诱导的饱和图。此外,我们还显示了Kneser图ķñ2P6诱导饱和 ñ5
