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Bi-stability of SUDR+K model of epidemics and test kits applied to COVID-19.
Nonlinear Dynamics ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s11071-020-05888-w
Vinko Zlatić 1 , Irena Barjašić 2 , Andrea Kadović 3 , Hrvoje Štefančić 4 , Andrea Gabrielli 5

Motivated by the many diverse responses of different countries to the COVID-19 emergency, here we develop a toy model of the dependence of the epidemics spreading on the availability of tests for disease. Our model, that we call SUDR+K, grounds on the usual SIR model, with the difference of splitting the total fraction of infected individuals in two components: patients that are still undetected and patients that have been already detected through tests. Moreover, we assume that available tests increase at a constant rate from the beginning of epidemics but are consumed to detect infected individuals. Strikingly, we find a bi-stable behavior between a phase with a giant fraction of infected and a phase with a very small fraction. We show that the separation between these two regimes is governed by a match between the rate of testing and a rate of infection spread at given time. We also show that the existence of two phases does not depend on the mathematical choice of the form of the term describing the rate at which undetected individuals are tested and detected. Presented research implies that a vigorous early testing activity, before the epidemics enters its giant phase, can potentially keep epidemics under control, and that even a very small change of the testing rate around the bi-stable point can determine a fluctuation of the size of the whole epidemics of various orders of magnitude. For the real application of realistic model to ongoing epidemics, we would gladly collaborate with field epidemiologists in order to develop quantitative models of testing process.


SUDR+K 流行病模型和适用于 COVID-19 的检测试剂盒的双稳定性。

受不同国家对 COVID-19 紧急情况的多种不同反应的启发,我们在这里开发了一个玩具模型,说明流行病传播对疾病检测可用性的依赖性。我们的模型,我们称之为 SUDR+K,基于通常的 SIR 模型,不同之处在于将感染个体的总比例分为两个部分:仍未检测到的患者和已通过测试检测到的患者。此外,我们假设可用测试从流行开始以恒定的速度增加,但用于检测受感染的个体。引人注目的是,我们发现感染比例很大的阶段和感染比例很小的阶段之间存在双稳态行为。我们表明,这两种制度之间的分离是由检测率和给定时间的感染传播率之间的匹配决定的。我们还表明,两个阶段的存在并不取决于描述未检测到的个体被检测和检测的速率的术语形式的数学选择。所提出的研究表明,在流行病进入其巨大阶段之前,积极的早期检测活动可以潜在地控制流行病,并且即使检测率在双稳态点附近发生很小的变化,也可以确定疫情规模的波动。各种数量级的整个流行病。为了将现实模型真正应用于持续的流行病,我们很乐意与现场流行病学家合作,以开发测试过程的定量模型。我们还表明,两个阶段的存在并不取决于描述未检测到的个体被检测和检测的速率的术语形式的数学选择。所提出的研究表明,在流行病进入其巨大阶段之前,积极的早期检测活动可以潜在地控制流行病,并且即使检测率在双稳态点附近发生很小的变化,也可以确定疫情规模的波动。各种数量级的整个流行病。为了将现实模型真正应用于持续的流行病,我们很乐意与现场流行病学家合作,以开发测试过程的定量模型。我们还表明,两个阶段的存在并不取决于描述未检测到的个体被检测和检测的速率的术语形式的数学选择。所提出的研究表明,在流行病进入其巨大阶段之前,积极的早期检测活动可以潜在地控制流行病,并且即使检测率在双稳态点附近发生很小的变化,也可以确定疫情规模的波动。各种数量级的整个流行病。为了将现实模型真正应用于持续的流行病,我们很乐意与现场流行病学家合作,以开发测试过程的定量模型。所提出的研究表明,在流行病进入其巨大阶段之前,积极的早期检测活动可以潜在地控制流行病,并且即使检测率在双稳态点附近发生很小的变化,也可以确定疫情规模的波动。各种数量级的整个流行病。为了将现实模型真正应用于持续的流行病,我们很乐意与现场流行病学家合作,以开发测试过程的定量模型。所提出的研究表明,在流行病进入其巨大阶段之前,积极的早期检测活动可以潜在地控制流行病,并且即使检测率在双稳态点附近发生很小的变化,也可以确定疫情规模的波动。各种数量级的整个流行病。为了将现实模型真正应用于持续的流行病,我们很乐意与现场流行病学家合作,以开发测试过程的定量模型。
