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Picture-naming in American Sign Language: an electrophysiological study of the effects of iconicity and structured alignment
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-19 , DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2020.1804601
Meghan E McGarry 1 , Megan Mott 2 , Katherine J Midgley 2 , Phillip J Holcomb 2 , Karen Emmorey 3

ABSTRACT A picture-naming task and ERPs were used to investigate effects of iconicity and visual alignment between signs and pictures in American Sign Language (ASL). For iconic signs, half the pictures visually overlapped with phonological features of the sign (e.g. the fingers of CAT align with a picture of a cat with prominent whiskers), while half did not (whiskers are not shown). Iconic signs were produced numerically faster than non-iconic signs and were associated with larger N400 amplitudes, akin to concreteness effects. Pictures aligned with iconic signs were named faster than non-aligned pictures, and there was a reduction in N400 amplitude. No behavioural effects were observed for the control group (English speakers). We conclude that sensory-motoric semantic features are represented more robustly for iconic than non-iconic signs (eliciting a concreteness-like N400 effect) and visual overlap between pictures and the phonological form of iconic signs facilitates lexical retrieval (eliciting a reduced N400).



摘要使用图片命名任务和 ERP 来研究美国手语 (ASL) 中标志和图片之间的象似性和视觉对齐的影响。对于标志性标志,一半的图片在视觉上与标志的语音特征重叠(例如,CAT 的手指与具有突出胡须的猫的图片对齐),而另一半则没有(未显示胡须)。标志性标志在数字上比非标志性标志产生得更快,并且与更大的 N400 振幅相关,类似于具体效应。与标志性标志对齐的图片比非对齐图片命名得更快,并且 N400 幅度有所降低。对照组(说英语的人)没有观察到行为影响。