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"When something like a ladybug lands on you": Origins and development of the concept of luck.
Developmental Psychology ( IF 4.497 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1037/dev0001104
Jacqueline D Woolley 1 , Kelsey A Kelley 1

In Study 1, 103 children ages 4 through 10 answered questions about their concept of and belief in luck, and completed a story task assessing their use of luck as an explanation for events. The interview captured a curvilinear trajectory of children's belief in luck from tentative belief at age 4 to full belief at age 6, weakening belief at age 8, and significant skepticism by age 10. The youngest children appeared to think of luck simply as a positive outcome; with age, children increasingly considered the unexpected nature of lucky outcomes and many came to view luck as synonymous with chance. On the story task, younger children attributed a stronger role to luck in explaining events than did older children. Studies 2 and 3 explored 2 potential sources of children's concepts. Study 2 explored adult use of the words luck and lucky, and found that most of this input consisted in using lucky to refer to positive outcomes, although the nature of use changed with the ages of the children. In Study 3, we examined children's storybooks about luck and found them to be rich potential sources of children's concepts. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).



在研究 1 中,103 名 4 至 10 岁的儿童回答了有关他们对运气的概念和信念的问题,并完成了一项故事任务,评估他们如何利用运气来解释事件。采访捕捉到了孩子们对运气的信念的曲线轨迹,从 4 岁时的暂时信念到 6 岁时完全相信,8 岁时信念减弱,到 10 岁时严重怀疑。最小的孩子似乎认为运气只是一种积极的结果; 随着年龄的增长,孩子们越来越多地考虑幸运结果的意外性质,许多人开始将运气视为机会的同义词。在故事任务中,与年龄较大的孩子相比,年幼的孩子在解释事件方面更倾向于运气。研究 2 和 3 探索了儿童概念的 2 个潜在来源。研究 2 探讨了成人对幸运和幸运这两个词的使用,并发现大部分输入包括使用幸运来指代积极的结果,尽管使用的性质随着孩子的年龄而变化。在研究 3 中,我们检查了儿童关于运气的故事书,发现它们是儿童概念的丰富潜在来源。(PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2020 APA,保留所有权利)。