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Molecular phylogeny and spectral characteristics of selected soil crust cyanobacteria from tea gardens of Darjeeling (India)
Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics ( IF 1.476 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-17
Dhanesh Kumar, Sukumar Bhakta, Siba Prasad Adhikary

Soil crust cyanobacteria from three tea gardens of Mirik, Kurseong and Darjeeling located at different altitudes of Darjeeling district (West Bengal, India) in Himalayas, were studied. A total of 16 cyanobacteria were isolated in pure culture and identified. Major taxa in all soil crusts from three locations were under the genus Calothrix. 16S rRNA sequencing of three dominant species of Calothrix were performed and the sequences were submitted to National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) GenBank and the accession numbers were KF499103, KF499104 and KF499105. Phylogenetic analysis with other similar organisms isolated across the globe showed their relatedness with Calothrix species. Absorbance spectra of 90% (v/v) methanolic extracts of the crusts and their major organisms in culture showed the presence of ultra-violet (UV) sunscreen pigment scytonemin and mycosporine like amino acids (MAAs).



研究了喜马拉雅山大吉岭地区(印度西孟加拉邦)不同高度的米里克,库城和大吉岭三个茶园的土壤地壳蓝细菌。在纯培养物中总共分离出16种蓝细菌并进行了鉴定。来自三个地点的所有地壳中的主要分类单元都在Calothrix属下。进行了对Calothrix的三个优势种的16S rRNA测序,并将该序列提交给了国家生物技术信息中心(NCBI)GenBank,登录号为KF499103,KF499104和KF499105。与全球各地的隔离其他类似的生物系统发育分析表明它们的亲缘关系与Ç alothrix种类。地壳及其主要生物的90%(v / v)甲醇提取物的吸收光谱表明,存在紫外线(UV)防晒色素scytonemin和霉菌素样氨基酸(MAA)。