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Numerical simulations of a ship obliquely advancing in calm water and in regular waves
Applied Ocean Research ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apor.2020.102330
Wei Zhang , Ould el Moctar , Thomas E. Schellin

Abstract Numerical simulations of the S-175 containership obliquely advancing at constant forward speed in calm water and in regular waves were conducted using a potential flow method. A double-body potential and trailing vortex sheets, which modeled the flow field around the ship obliquely advancing in calm water, yielded transverse forces and yaw moment due to the lift effect. Perturbation potentials describing the free surface flow yielded first-order wave-induced motions and second-order wave loads. Evaluating and then averaging the associated second-order wave loads obtained the steady wave drift forces and moments. Generally, numerical predictions compared favorably to experimental measurements. A systematic analysis demonstrated that, in short beam waves, the transverse wave drift force attained considerable amplitudes, and these amplitudes increased rapidly at larger drift angles. The transverse force due to wave drift effects in beam waves and due to the lift effects in calm water were nearly of equal magnitude. Therefore, when predicting wave drift loads acting on a maneuvering ship, the effect of drift angle should be accounted for.



摘要 采用势流法对S-175集装箱船在静水和规则波浪中匀速斜向推进进行数值模拟。双体势和尾涡片模拟了在平静水中倾斜前进的船舶周围的流场,由于升力效应产生了横向力和偏航力矩。描述自由表面流的扰动势产生一阶波浪诱导运动和二阶波浪载荷。对相关的二阶波浪载荷进行评估,然后对其求平均,即可获得稳定的波浪漂移力和力矩。通常,数值预测优于实验测量。系统分析表明,在短波束中,横波漂移力达到了相当大的幅度,并且这些幅度在较大的漂移角处迅速增加。由于波束波中的波浪漂移效应和静水中的升力效应产生的横向力几乎相等。因此,在预测作用在操纵船舶上的波浪漂移载荷时,应考虑漂移角的影响。