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Effect of illumination on fish and amphibian: development, growth, physiological and biochemical processes
Reviews in Aquaculture ( IF 10.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-15 , DOI: 10.1111/raq.12487
Alexander B. Ruchin 1

Being one of the main environmental factors, the light factor influences many aspects of animal life. Photoperiod, light intensity (illumination) and wavelength are the primary periodic factors. There is a review that discusses the role of illumination on various life processes of aquatic anamnia vertebrates (fish and amphibians). The effect of light on the development, growth, respiration, consumption and efficiency of food conversion, hormone release, reproduction and behaviour of fish and amphibians has been studied. Illumination influences differently a significant number of physiological and biochemical processes and reactions of anamnia vertebrates at various development stages. The obtained results show that the nature of exposure to light is species‐specific and corresponds to the ecological niche of species. Illumination influences both positively and negatively the development, growth and other physiological processes of fish and amphibians. Illumination plays a special role during the first feeding of fish in the environment and aquaculture. There are positive and negative behavioural responses of fish to light. However, it is not always possible to distinguish fish species with only a negative or only a positive reaction to light. The quality of the reaction can be influenced by the stage of development of eggs or larvae, age characteristics, feeding status, season, time, the physiological state of fish, morbidity, etc. A promising area of research is the study of the influence of light on the hormonal status of the body and reproduction of fish. Also, the light pollution and its influence on the physiology of anamnia vertebrates are important.


