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Technical and economic analysis of energy generation from waste incineration in Mexico
Energy Strategy Reviews ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2020.100542
Pablo Emilio Escamilla-García , Raúl Horacio Camarillo-López , R. Carrasco-Hernández , Emmanuel Fernández-Rodríguez , Jesús Michel Legal-Hernández

In this paper we evaluated the feasibility of energy generation by incineration of waste in Mexico. The population of Mexico was split into six population-size classes, each one associated to a waste generation index. The total amount of waste and the lower calorific values were used to estimate the power and energy resulting from each size class. The economic feasibility was evaluated using the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). For populations up to 3 million inhabitants the incineration of waste resulted in 58.9 MW. The total energy generation resulted in 11,681.64 GWh contributing to 4.3% of the national demand. The NPV and IRR showed negative values per lower sizes of population and the LCOE resulted in higher values than other energy sources. A sensitivity analysis was conducted, addressing specific elements of the analysis to show how the project can become economically feasible when adjusting investment, O&M and sales tariff. This research provides evidence on how the Waste-To-Energy (WTE) incineration industry is feasible in Mexico and provides significant benefits, not only by strengthening the renewable energy sector but also by significantly improving the waste management system.



在本文中,我们评估了在墨西哥焚烧废物产生能量的可行性。墨西哥的人口分为六个人口规模类别,每个类别与废物产生指数相关。废物的总量和较低的热值被用来估算每种尺寸等级产生的功率和能量。使用平准化能源成本(LCOE),净现值(NPV)和内部收益率(IRR)评估了经济可行性。对于多达300万居民的人口,焚烧废物产生了58.9兆瓦。能源总产量为11,681.64 GWh,占全国需求的4.3%。净现值和内部收益率显示每较低的人口规模为负值,LCOE的值高于其他能源。进行了敏感性分析,分析分析的特定元素,以显示在调整投资,运行维护和销售关税时,该项目如何在经济上可行。这项研究提供了证据,证明废物转化为能源(WTE)的焚化产业在墨西哥是可行的,并且不仅通过加强可再生能源部门,而且还通过显着改善废物管理系统提供了巨大的收益。
