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Toward an interdisciplinary integration between multi-agents systems and multi-robots systems: a case study
The Knowledge Engineering Review ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-13 , DOI: 10.1017/s0269888920000375
Wagner Tanaka Botelho , Maria Das Graças Bruno Marietto , Eduardo De Lima Mendes , Daniel Rodrigues De Sousa , Edson Pinheiro Pimentel , Vera Lúcia da Silva , Tamires dos Santos

Multi-Robot System (MRS) is composed of a group of robots that work cooperatively. However, Multi-Agent System (MAS) is computational systems consisting of a group of agents that interact with each other to solve a problem. The central difference between MRS and MAS is that in the first case, the agent is a robot, and in the second, it is a software. Analyzing the scientific literature, it is possible to notice that few studies address the integration between MAS and MRS. In order to achieve the interdisciplinary integration, the theoretical background of these areas must be considered in this paper, so that the integration can be applied using a case study of decentralized MRS. The objective of this MRS is to track and surround a stationary target. Also, it has been implemented and validated in the robot simulator called Virtual Robot Experimentation Platform (V-REP). In the validation of the proposed MRS, a scenario with three robots and a stationary target were defined. In the tracking task, the robot can detect the target whose position is not known a priori. When the detection occurs, the V-REP informs the target position to the robot because the environment is discretized into a grid of rectangular cells. After that, all the robots are directed to the target, and the surround task is realized. In this task, a mathematical model with direct communication between the robots was used to keep the robots equidistant therefrom and from each other.



多机器人系统(MRS)由一组协同工作的机器人组成。然而,多智能体系统 (MAS) 是由一组相互交互以解决问题的智能体组成的计算系统。MRS 和 MAS 的主要区别在于,在第一种情况下,代理是机器人,而在第二种情况下,它是软件。分析科学文献,可以注意到很少有研究涉及 MAS 和 MRS 之间的整合。为了实现跨学科整合,本文必须考虑这些领域的理论背景,以便通过分散式MRS的案例研究来应用整合。该 MRS 的目标是跟踪和包围静止目标。还,它已在称为虚拟机器人实验平台 (V-REP) 的机器人模拟器中实施和验证。在验证提议的 MRS 时,定义了一个包含三个机器人和一个固定目标的场景。在跟踪任务中,机器人可以先验地检测出位置未知的目标。当检测发生时,V-REP 会将目标位置通知给机器人,因为环境被离散化为矩形单元格。之后,将所有机器人指向目标,实现环绕任务。在这项任务中,使用了机器人之间直接通信的数学模型来保持机器人之间的距离以及彼此之间的距离相等。机器人可以先验地检测出位置未知的目标。当检测发生时,V-REP 会将目标位置通知给机器人,因为环境被离散化为矩形单元格。之后,将所有机器人指向目标,实现环绕任务。在这项任务中,使用了机器人之间直接通信的数学模型来保持机器人之间的距离以及彼此之间的距离相等。机器人可以先验地检测出位置未知的目标。当检测发生时,V-REP 会将目标位置通知给机器人,因为环境被离散化为矩形单元格。之后,将所有机器人指向目标,实现环绕任务。在这项任务中,使用了机器人之间直接通信的数学模型来保持机器人之间的距离以及彼此之间的距离相等。