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Towards nearly zero-energy residential neighbourhoods in the European Union: A case study
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews ( IF 15.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110198
Modeste Kameni Nematchoua , Antoinette Marie-Reine Nishimwe , Sigrid Reiter

The European Union (EU) aims to establish a guideline that requires all new buildings to comply with nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEB) by 2030. This decision involves new technologies based on concepts that meet international standards. This research aims to review the literature on ‘net zero-energy building’ and analyses the possibility of applying this research on nine statistically representative neighbourhoods of the building stock'in Belgium, depending on the built density. All the areas, grouped into four categories (urban, peri-urban, suburban, and rural neighbourhoods), were used for current energy consumption analysis and to evaluate prospective scenarios based on four major challenges, namely climate change, building renovations, photovoltaic panels, and sustainable mobility. In addition, a new approach combining several scenarios to further improve energy needs at the neighbourhood scale is also highlighted. The nine different types of neighbourhoods studied are commonly found in different countries across the EU. The average reduction in energy consumption of neighbourhoods (buildings + daily mobility) in 2040 (compared to reference year 2012) will likely reach 5.69% attributable to a 20% reduction in distances travelled, 6.48% to climate change, 12.95% to the current annual buildings renovation rate, 18.76%–100% electric cars, 22.26% for doubling the current buildings renovation rate, 31.62% and 63.25% to a light or heavy renovation of the entire building stock, respectively. Moreover, installing 20 m2 of solar panels on the rooftops of each residential building would produce renewable energy equivalent to 6.53% of the current global energy consumption. Finally, the results show that more than 90% of current energy consumption can be reduced at the neighbourhood scale (buildings + daily mobility) by combining a heavy renovation of all the buildings, electric vehicles, and photovoltaic panels. This scenario allows reaching the ‘nearly zero-energy’ target at the neighbourhood scale.



欧盟(EU)旨在建立一项准则,要求所有新建筑在2030年前符合几乎零能耗的建筑(NZEB)的要求。该决定涉及基于符合国际标准的概念的新技术。本研究旨在回顾有关“净零能耗建筑”的文献,并分析根据建筑密度在比利时的9个具有统计代表性的建筑群附近应用该研究的可能性。将所有区域分为四类(城市,城市周边,郊区和农村地区),用于当前的能耗分析并基于气候变化,建筑翻新,光伏板,和可持续的流动性。此外,还着重介绍了一种新方法,该方法结合了多种方案,可以进一步改善邻里规模的能源需求。研究的九种不同类型的社区通常在整个欧盟的不同国家中都可以找到。到2040年(与2012基准年相比),社区的能源消耗(建筑物+日常出行)的平均减少量可能达到5.69%,这是因为行进距离减少了20%,气候变化减少了6.48%,本年度减少了12.95%建筑物翻新率:18.76%–100%电动汽车,占目前建筑物翻新率的两倍(分别为轻度或重度翻新整个建筑物的31.62%和63.25%)的22.26%。此外,安装2​​0 m 研究的九种不同类型的社区通常在整个欧盟的不同国家中都可以找到。到2040年(与2012基准年相比),社区的能源消耗(建筑物+日常出行)的平均减少量可能达到5.69%,这是因为行进距离减少了20%,气候变化减少了6.48%,当前年度减少了12.95%建筑物翻新率:18.76%–100%电动汽车,占目前建筑物翻新率的两倍(分别为轻度或重度翻新整个建筑物的31.62%和63.25%)的22.26%。此外,安装2​​0 m 研究的九种不同类型的社区通常在整个欧盟的不同国家中都可以找到。到2040年(与2012基准年相比),社区的能源消耗(建筑物+日常出行)的平均减少量可能达到5.69%,这是因为行进距离减少了20%,气候变化减少了6.48%,当前年度减少了12.95%建筑物翻新率:18.76%–100%电动汽车,占目前建筑物翻新率的两倍(分别为轻度或重度翻新整个建筑物的31.62%和63.25%)的22.26%。此外,安装2​​0 m 69%可归因于行驶距离减少了20%,气候变化造成6.48%,当前年度建筑物翻新率达到12.95%,电动汽车的18.76%–100%,两倍于当前建筑物翻新率的22.26%,31.62%和63.25 %分别对整个建筑群进行轻或重装修。此外,安装2​​0 m 69%可归因于行驶距离减少了20%,气候变化造成6.48%,当前年度建筑物翻新率达到12.95%,电动汽车的18.76%–100%,两倍于当前建筑物翻新率的22.26%,31.62%和63.25 %分别对整个建筑群进行轻或重装修。此外,安装2​​0 m每栋住宅楼屋顶上的2块太阳能电池板将产生可再生能源,相当于当前全球能源消耗的6.53%。最后,结果表明,通过对所有建筑物,电动汽车和光伏面板进行大规模的改造,可以在邻域范围(建筑物+日常出行)上减少超过90%的当前能源消耗。这种情况允许在邻域范围内达到“接近零能耗”的目标。
