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A liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for determining 18 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in source and treated drinking water.
Journal of Chromatography A ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chroma.2020.461485
Josep Borrull 1 , Agustí Colom 2 , Josepa Fabregas 2 , Eva Pocurull 3 , Francesc Borrull 3

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have been determined in waters intended for human consumption, causing concern due to their potential toxic effects in humans and the environment. Drinking water is acknowledged to be one of the major routes of exposure to PFASs, which has led to the implementation of regulatory guidelines for PFASs in drinking water. In this study a fast, simple, sensitive and cost-effective method is developed for the determination of 18 PFASs in river and drinking water. The proposed method consists of directly injecting 900 µL of sample into a liquid chromatograph coupled to a triple quadrupole mass analyser, which involves minimal sample treatment as the sample only needs to be filtered. The method was validated in influent and effluent water from a drinking water treatment plant. Strong matrix effects were found for some of the target PFASs, and matrix-matched calibration curves were performed to enable accurate (87–114%) and precise (%RSD between 3 and 18%) quantification (n = 5, at 5 and 75 ng·L−1) with very good sensitivity (method quantitation limits between 0.1 and 2.0 ng·L−1). The method was applied to water samples from the influent and effluent of a drinking water treatment plant located in Catalonia (Spain), as well as in tap water and bottled water. The most abundant PFAS in all the types of water was PFBA, which represents 48%, 49%, 66% and 69% of total PFASs found in influent, effluent, tap and bottled water respectively. Relative mean abundances and the sum of mean concentrations in influent and effluent water suggests poor removal of PFASs during drinking water treatment. The concentrations of PFASs in bottled waters were generally lower than those in tap waters.



在供人类食用的水中已经确定了全氟烷基物质和多氟烷基物质(PFAS),由于它们对人体和环境的潜在毒性作用而引起关注。饮用水被认为是接触全氟辛烷磺酸的主要途径之一,这导致实施了饮用水中全氟辛烷磺酸的监管准则。在这项研究中,开发了一种快速,简单,灵敏且具有成本效益的方法来测定河流和饮用水中的18种全氟辛烷磺酸。所提出的方法包括将900 µL样品直接注入与三重四极杆质量分析仪相连的液相色谱仪中,这只需要最少的样品处理,因为只需过滤样品即可。该方法在饮用水处理厂的进水和出水中得到了验证。n  = 5,在5和75 ng·L -1处,灵敏度很高(方法定量限在0.1到2.0 ng·L -1之间)。该方法应用于位于加泰罗尼亚(西班牙)的饮用水处理厂的进水和出水以及自来水和瓶装水中的水样。在所有类型的水中,最丰富的PFAS是PFBA,分别占进水,出水,自来水和瓶装水中PFAS总量的48%,49%,66%和69%。进水和出水中的相对平均丰度和平均浓度之和表明,饮用水处理过程中PFAS的去除效果较差。瓶装水中的PFAS浓度通常低于自来水中的PFAS浓度。
