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Cultural interventions through children's literature and arts-based practices in times of disaster: A case study of reading mediators' response to the Mexican earthquakes (September 2017).
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101797
Lavinia Hirsu 1 , Evelyn Arizpe 1 , Julie E McAdam 1

Recent natural disasters have challenged current models of crisis management and intervention, demanding speedy, flexible and emergent social actors to respond at multiple levels. To provide a comprehensive response, top-down models have incorporated the critical role played by citizen-volunteers in assisting communities in distress. However, few post-crisis response models have identified new social actors who can contribute with creative, coordinated, and sustainable solutions. In this article, we present the case study of the 2017 Mexican earthquakes and the post-disaster activities developed by an emergent group of social actors — reading mediators. We argue for the critical role of mediators and their use of children's literature and arts-based practices as essential instruments for community reconstruction. Drawing upon a case study methodology, we share the mediators' post-disaster activities and experiences in four stages: immediate recovery, stabilisation, development and consolidation. We argue that such cultural interventions are essential in assisting communities recover and build resilience and, more importantly, new social actors such as reading mediators need further formal and institutional support. In this sense, el Protocolo, the cultural protocol developed in response to the mediators' work, stands as an exemplary model that complements the emergent and distributed actions of reading mediators. As a whole, the Mexican cultural response provides a unique comprehensive approach that could be modeled in other contexts to address the needs of all citizens in vulnerable post-disaster circumstances.



最近的自然灾害挑战了当前的危机管理和干预模式,要求迅速,灵活和崭露头角的社会行为体在多个层面上做出反应。为了提供全面的响应,自上而下的模型已纳入了公民志愿人员在协助遇难社区中发挥的关键作用。但是,很少有危机后的应对模型能够确定新的社会参与者,他们可以为创造性,协调和可持续的解决方案做出贡献。在本文中,我们介绍了2017年墨西哥地震的案例研究,以及由新兴的社会角色团体-阅读调解员开展的灾后活动。我们主张调解员的关键作用,以及他们将以儿童文学和艺术为基础的做法作为社区重建的重要手段。借助案例研究方法,我们在四个阶段共享调解员的灾后活动和经验:立即恢复,稳定,发展和巩固。我们认为,这种文化干预对协助社区恢复和建立适应力至关重要,更重要的是,诸如阅读调解人之类的新社会参与者需要进一步的正式和制度支持。在这个意义上说,作为对调解员工作的回应而发展的文化协议el Protocolo,是对阅读调解员的新兴和分散行动的补充的典范。总体而言,墨西哥的文化应对措施提供了一种独特的综合方法,可以在其他情况下采用这种方法,以解决灾后脆弱环境中所有公民的需求。
