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Material damage caused by high-magnitude rainfall based on insurance data: Comparing two flooding events in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area and Madeira Island, Portugal
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101806
Miguel Leal , Marcelo Fragoso , Sérgio Lopes , Eusébio Reis

This research quantifies and compares the material damage caused by flooding resulting from the two most extreme rainfall events of the 21st century in two Portuguese regions, using insurance data: the Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA) and Madeira Island. During the 2000–2011 period, 24% of the claims and 40% of the payouts in the LMA were caused by the February 2008 event. In Madeira, the February 2010 event represented 50% of the claims and 88% of the payouts. The maximum rainfall values during the 2010 event more than doubling those recorded during the 2008 event. The steep slopes of the Madeira's drainage basins exacerbate the potential for flooding to cause damage. Peak discharges are higher and occur earlier than in the LMA's basins. Flash floods are the most important type of flooding in Madeira, unlike what occurs in the LMA, where urban flooding is most prevailent. The greater destructive capacity of flash floods, the higher magnitude of the triggering rainfall during the 2010 event and the higher flooding susceptibility of the Madeira's drainage basins justify the greatest material damage. The lower education levels and economic power of the Madeira's population may affect the capacity to purchase insurance and can explain the lower number of insurance policies, contributing for a higher vulnerability to flooding. The obtained results represent an important knowledge regarding flooding in Portugal for spatial planning, risk management and insurance companies.



这项研究使用保险数据:里斯本都市区(LMA)和马德拉岛(Madeira Island)保险数据,量化并比较了21世纪两次最极端的降雨事件造成的洪水造成的物质损失。在2000年至2011年期间,LMA中有24%的索赔和40%的支出是由2008年2月事件引起的。在马德拉(Madeira),2010年2月的事件占50%的索偿要求和88%的支出。2010年活动期间的最大降雨量值是2008年活动期间记录的两倍以上。马德拉(Madeira)流域的陡坡加剧了洪水泛滥而造成破坏的可能性。峰值排放量比LMA盆地更高,并且发生得更早。与LMA不同,山洪是马德拉岛最重要的洪水类型,最常发生城市洪水的地方。暴发洪水的破坏能力更大,2010年事件期间触发降雨的幅度更大,马德拉河流域的洪水敏感性更高,证明最大的物质损失是合理的。马德拉人口的较低的教育水平和经济实力可能会影响购买保险的能力,并且可以解释较少数量的保险单,从而导致洪水泛滥的可能性更高。获得的结果代表了有关葡萄牙对于空间规划,风险管理和保险公司的洪水的重要知识。2010年事件期间引发降雨的幅度更大,马德拉流域的洪水敏感性更高,这证明了最大的物质损失。马德拉人口的较低的教育水平和经济实力可能会影响购买保险的能力,并且可以解释较少数量的保险单,从而导致洪水泛滥的可能性更高。获得的结果代表了有关葡萄牙对于空间规划,风险管理和保险公司的洪水的重要知识。2010年事件期间引发降雨的幅度更大,马德拉流域的洪水敏感性更高,这证明了最大的物质损失。马德拉人口的较低教育水平和经济实力可能会影响购买保险的能力,并且可以解释较少数量的保险单,从而导致洪水泛滥的可能性更高。获得的结果代表了有关葡萄牙对于空间规划,风险管理和保险公司的洪水的重要知识。
