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A characterization of the molecular phenotype and inflammatory response of schizophrenia patient-derived microglia-like cells
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity ( IF 15.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bbi.2020.08.012
Paul R Ormel 1 , Chotima Böttcher 2 , Frederieke A J Gigase 3 , Roy D Missall 3 , Welmoed van Zuiden 3 , M Camila Fernández Zapata 2 , Dilara Ilhan 4 , Michelle de Goeij 4 , Evan Udine 5 , Iris E C Sommer 6 , Josef Priller 7 , Towfique Raj 5 , René S Kahn 3 , Elly M Hol 8 , Lot D de Witte 9

Different lines of evidence support a causal role for microglia in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. However, how schizophrenia patient-derived microglia are affected at the phenotypic and functional level is still largely unknown. We used a recently described model to induce patient-derived microglia-like cells and used this to analyze changes in the molecular phenotype and function of myeloid cells in schizophrenia. We isolated monocytes from twenty recent-onset schizophrenia patients and twenty non-psychiatric controls. We cultured the cells towards an induced microglia-like phenotype (iMG), analyzed the phenotype of the cells by RNA sequencing and mass cytometry, and their response to LPS. Mass cytometry showed a high heterogeneity of iMG in cells derived from patients as well as controls. The prevalence of two iMG clusters was significantly higher in schizophrenia patients (adjusted p-value < 0.001). These subsets are characterized by expression of ApoE, Ccr2, CD18, CD44, and CD95, as well as IRF8, P2Y12, Cx3cr1 and HLA-DR. In addition, we found that patient-derived iMG show an enhanced response to LPS, with increased secretion of TNF-α. Further studies are needed to replicate these findings, to determine whether similar subclusters are present in schizophrenia patients in vivo, and to address how these subclusters are related to the increased response to LPS, as well as other microglial functions.



不同的证据支持小胶质细胞在精神分裂症发病机制中的因果作用。然而,精神分裂症患者来源的小胶质细胞如何在表型和功能水平上受到影响仍然很大程度上未知。我们使用最近描述的模型来诱导患者来源的小胶质细胞样细胞,并用它来分析精神分裂症中髓样细胞的分子表型和功能的变化。我们从 20 名最近发病的精神分裂症患者和 20 名非精神病对照者中分离出单核细胞。我们将细胞培养成诱导的小胶质细胞样表型 (iMG),通过 RNA 测序和质谱流式细胞术分析细胞的表型,以及它们对 LPS 的反应。质谱流式细胞术显示来自患者和对照的细胞中 iMG 的高度异质性。精神分裂症患者中两个 iMG 簇的患病率显着更高(调整后的 p 值 < 0.001)。这些亚群的特征是 ApoE、Ccr2、CD18、CD44 和 CD95 以及 IRF8、P2Y12、Cx3cr1 和 HLA-DR 的表达。此外,我们发现患者来源的 iMG 对 LPS 的反应增强,TNF-α 的分泌增加。需要进一步的研究来复制这些发现,以确定在体内精神分裂症患者中是否存在类似的亚群,并解决这些亚群与对 LPS 的反应增加以及其他小胶质细胞功能的关系。我们发现患者来源的 iMG 对 LPS 的反应增强,TNF-α 的分泌增加。需要进一步的研究来复制这些发现,以确定在体内精神分裂症患者中是否存在类似的亚群,并解决这些亚群与对 LPS 的反应增加以及其他小胶质细胞功能的关系。我们发现患者来源的 iMG 对 LPS 的反应增强,TNF-α 的分泌增加。需要进一步的研究来复制这些发现,以确定在体内精神分裂症患者中是否存在类似的亚群,并解决这些亚群与对 LPS 的反应增加以及其他小胶质细胞功能的关系。