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Lags in the provision of obstetric services to indigenous women and their implications for universal access to health care in Mexico.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters ( IF 5.732 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.1080/26410397.2020.1778153
Clara Juárez-Ramírez 1 , Gustavo Nigenda 2 , Alma L Sauceda-Valenzuela 1 , Aremis Villalobos 1


Through quantitative and qualitative methods, in this article the authors describe the perspectives of indigenous women who received antenatal and childbirth medical care within a care model that incorporates a non-governmental organisation (NGO), Partners in Health. They discuss whether the NGO model better resolves the care-seeking process, including access to health care, compared with a standard model of care in government-subsidised health care units (setting of health services networks). Universal health coverage advocates access for the most disadvantaged and vulnerable populations as a priority. However, the issue of access includes problems related to the effect of certain structural social determinants that limit different aspects of the obstetric care process. The findings of this study show the need to modify the structure of organisational values in order to place users at the centre of medical care and ensure respect for their rights. The participation of agents outside the public system, such as NGOs, can be of great value for moving in this direction. Women’s participation is also necessary for learning how they are being cared for and the extent to which they are satisfied with obstetric services. This research experience can be used for other countries with similar conditions.




在本文中,作者通过定量和定性方法描述了在包含非政府组织 (NGO) 健康伙伴的护理模式中接受产前和分娩医疗护理的土著妇女的观点。他们讨论了与政府补贴的医疗保健单位的标准护理模式(卫生服务网络的设置)相比,非政府组织模式是否能更好地解决寻求护理的过程,包括获得医疗保健的机会。全民健康覆盖主张优先考虑最弱势和最脆弱的人群。然而,获取问题包括与某些结构性社会决定因素的影响有关的问题,这些因素限制了产科护理过程的不同方面。这项研究的结果表明,需要修改组织价值观的结构,以将用户置于医疗保健的中心并确保尊重他们的权利。非政府组织等公共系统之外的代理人的参与对于朝着这个方向前进具有重要价值。妇女的参与对于了解她们如何得到照顾以及她们对产科服务的满意程度也是必要的。这一研究经验可用于其他条件类似的国家。妇女的参与对于了解她们如何得到照顾以及她们对产科服务的满意程度也是必要的。这一研究经验可用于其他条件类似的国家。妇女的参与对于了解她们如何得到照顾以及她们对产科服务的满意程度也是必要的。这一研究经验可用于其他条件类似的国家。
