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Gaharitrema droneni n. gen., n. sp. (Digenea: Zoogonidae) from the Pudgy Cuskeel, Spectrunculus grandis (Ophidiiformes: Ophidiidae), from Deep Waters Off Oregon, with Updated Keys to Zoogonid Subfamilies and Genera.
Journal of Parasitology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1645/19-153
Charles K Blend 1 , Gabor R Racz 2 , Scott L Gardner 2

Gaharitrema droneni n. gen., n. sp. (Digenea: Zoogonidae: Lepidophyllinae) is described from the intestine of the pudgy cuskeel, Spectrunculus grandis (Günther, 1877) (Ophidiiformes: Ophidiidae), collected at 2,800 m depth from the northeastern Pacific Ocean off Oregon. The new genus is distinguished from BrachyenteronManter, 1934 and SteganodermaStafford, 1904, the 2 closest lepidophylline genera, and from 4 other zoogonid genera erected since 2007, the last major revision of the family, by a combination of diagnostic features including a pyriform or spindle-shaped body, smooth testes and ovary, narrow ceca that reach with the vitellarium into the hindbody, an unspecialized ventral sucker, non-filamented eggs, a claviform cirrus pouch, and an unpocketed ejaculatory duct and metraterm, and the new genus lacks circumoral spines. We present updated keys to the 3 subfamilies of the Zoogonidae Odhner, 1902, as well as to the genera of the Cephaloporinae Yamaguti, 1934 and the Lepidophyllinae Stossich, 1903. A listing of the parasites known from S. grandis also is presented. This study documents the third family of digeneans (Zoogonidae) known to parasitize S. grandis, and it is a new host record (i.e., the first zoogonid reported from this host species). We discuss the relatively impressive presence of the Zoogonidae and their hosts within the deep sea. Specifically, of the 35 genera we recognize within this digenean family, 14 (40%) have deep-sea representatives. At least 37 species within 27 genera and 19 families within 11 orders of deep-sea fish are known to harbor zoogonids. Furthermore, of the 37 known deep-sea fish species parasitized by zoogonids, only 5 (13.5%) harbor 2 or more zoogonid species; the remaining 32 (86.5%) harbor only 1 parasite species each, indicating strong host specificity. Finally, the dietary ecology of S. grandis is presented, allowing us to speculate that Gaharitrema droneni may be utilizing gastropods and polychaetes as well as S. grandis to complete its life cycle in the deep sea.


Gaharitrema droneni n。gen。,n。sp。(Digenea:Zoogonidae),来自俄勒冈州深水区的Pudgy Cuskeel,Spectrunculus grandis(Ophidiiformes:Ophidiidae),并更新了Zoogonid亚科和属的密钥。

Gaharitrema droneni n。gen。,n。sp。(Digenea:Zoogonidae:Lepidophyllinae)的描述来自矮胖的三角骨Spectrunculus grandis(Günther,1877)(Ophidiiformes:Ophidiidae)的小肠,收集自俄勒冈州东北太平洋的2,800 m深度。该新属的特征是结合了包括梨形或梭形在内的多种诊断特征,分别与1934年的BrachyenteronManter和1904年的SteganodermaStafford和2个最接近的Lepidophylline属,以及自2007年以来建立的其他4个人兽类属区分开。异形的身体,光滑的睾丸和子房,狭窄的盲肠与the骨进入后体,未专门的腹腔吸盘,未成丝的卵,锁骨状的卷囊,未射精的射精管和中期术,而该新属缺乏环棘。我们提出了1902年的人兽共患病菌Odhner的3个亚科,以及1934年的山头金龟子属和1903年的Lepidophyllinae Stossich的属的最新钥匙。还列出了由S. grandis已知的寄生虫。这项研究记录了已知能寄生巨大沙门氏菌的第三个属的双属(Zoogonidae),这是一个新的寄主记录(即,从该寄主物种中报道的第一个人兽共生动物)。我们讨论了深海中gon科及其寄主的相对令人印象深刻的存在。具体来说,在我们认识的这个双属家族中,有35个属,其中14个(40%)具有深海代表。已知在27个属中的至少37个物种和在11个订单中的19个科中的19个科有人兽共生动物。此外,在已知的37种被人畜共生动物寄生的深海鱼类中,只有5种(13。5%)带有2种或更多的人兽类物种; 其余的32种(86.5%)每种仅携带1种寄生虫物种,表明其宿主特异性强。最后,介绍了S. grandis的饮食生态,使我们推测Gaharitrema droneni可能利用腹足动物和多毛类以及S. grandis来完成其在深海的生命周期。