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The Association of Negative Urgency with Psychological Distress: Moderating Role of Proactive Coping Strategies.
The Journal of Psychology ( IF 4.013 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-09 , DOI: 10.1080/00223980.2020.1784824
Ayşe Altan-Atalay 1 , Didar Zeytun 1


Negative urgency, which is the tendency to act impulsively under the influence of negative emotions, is a risk factor for various psychological disorders including anxiety and depression. In contrast, proactive coping is a future oriented coping strategy that aims to prepare the self for future stressors by reappraising the stressors as challenges or keep oneself prepared for impending losses. Although the effect of proactive coping and preventive coping strategies on reducing depression and anxiety has been consistently documented, the association of their interaction with risk factors received little attention. In the current study, the moderator roles of two dimensions of Proactive Coping strategies in the association of negative urgency with anxiety and depression, is examined. Data were collected from 404 individuals (255 women) aged 18 to 59 (M = 31.29, SD = 11.70) through scales assessing negative urgency, proactive coping, anxiety and depression from a community sample. The results revealed that the interaction of proactive coping with negative urgency to be significantly associated with individual differences in depression scores, indicating that appraising the threats as challenges may have potential for buffering the effects of negative urgency on depression. However, a similar pattern was not observed for anxiety or preventive coping.




负性紧迫感是在负面情绪的影响下进行冲动的倾向,是引起包括焦虑和抑郁在内的各种心理障碍的危险因素。相反,积极应对是一种面向未来的应对策略,旨在通过将压力源重新评估为挑战,或为即将发生的损失做好自我准备,为未来的压力源做好自我准备。尽管一直以来都有积极的应对和预防性应对策略对减轻抑郁和焦虑的影响的记录,但是它们与危险因素的相互作用的关联却很少受到关注。在当前的研究中,研究了积极应对策略的两个维度在负性紧迫感与焦虑和抑郁的关联中的调节作用。M  = 31.29,SD = 11.70),通过评估社区样本中的负面紧迫感,积极应对,焦虑和抑郁来进行。结果表明,积极应对与负性紧迫感的相互作用与抑郁得分的个体差异显着相关,这表明评估威胁作为挑战可能具有缓冲负性紧迫感对抑郁的影响的潜力。然而,对于焦虑或预防性应对没有观察到类似的模式。
