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Intention to use Medical Apps Among Older Adults in the Netherlands: Cross-Sectional Study.
Journal of Medical Internet Research ( IF 7.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-04 , DOI: 10.2196/18080
Marjan Askari 1 , Nicky Sabine Klaver 1 , Thimon Johannes van Gestel 1 , Joris van de Klundert 1, 2

Background: The increasing health service demand driven by the aging of the global population calls for the development of modes of health service delivery that are less human resource–intensive. Electronic health (eHealth) and medical apps are expected to play an important role in this development. Although evidence shows mobile medical apps might be effective in improving the care, self-management, self-efficacy, health-related behavior, and medication adherence of older adults, little is known about older adults’ intention to use these technologies when needed, or the factors influencing this intention. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship of technology acceptance factors and intention to use mobile medical apps among community-dwelling older adults. Methods: Data was collected using questionnaires. The factors selected from the literature have been validated using Cronbach α and tested for significance using logistic regressions. Results: Almost half (49.7%) of the included older adults reported no intention to use medical apps. Adjusted logistic regression analysis per factor showed that the factors Attitude toward use (odds ratio [OR] 8.50), Perceived usefulness (OR 5.25), Perceived ease of use (OR 4.22), Service availability (OR 3.46), Sense of control (OR 3.40), Self-perceived effectiveness (OR 2.69), Facilities (OR 2.45), Personal innovativeness (OR 2.08), Social relationships (OR 1.79), Subjective norm (OR 1.48), and Feelings of anxiety (OR 0.62) significantly influenced the intention to use mobile medical apps among older adults, whereas the factor Finance (OR 0.98) did not. When considered together, a controlled multivariate logistic regression yielded high explained variances of 0.542 (Cox-Snell R2) and 0.728 (Nagelkerke R2). Conclusions: The high odds ratios and explained variance indicate that the factors associated with the intention to use medical apps are largely understood and the most important factors have been identified. To advance the evidence base, experimental controlled research should investigate the causality between the factors, intention to use, and actual use. For this purpose, our evidence suggests that policies designed to improve Attitude toward use appear most effective, followed by policies addressing Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use, Service availability, and Sense of control.

This is the abstract only. Read the full article on the JMIR site. JMIR is the leading open access journal for eHealth and healthcare in the Internet age.



背景:由于全球人口的老龄化而导致的医疗服务需求不断增长,这就要求发展人力资源消耗较少的医疗服务提供方式。电子健康(eHealth)和医疗应用程序有望在这一发展中发挥重要作用。尽管有证据表明移动医疗应用程序可能会有效改善老年人的护理,自我管理,自我效能,健康相关行为以及对药物的依从性,但对于老年人在需要时使用这些技术的意图知之甚少,或者影响此意图的因素。目的:本研究的目的是调查社区居住的老年人中技术接受因素与使用移动医疗应用程序的意图之间的关系。方法:使用问卷调查收集数据。从文献中选择的因素已使用Cronbachα进行了验证,并使用逻辑回归检验了显着性。结果:几乎一半(49.7%)的老年人表示无意使用医疗应用程序。调整后的每个因素的逻辑回归分析表明,因素包括使用态度(赔率[OR] 8.50),感知有用性(OR 5.25),感知易用性(OR 4.22),服务可用性(OR 3.46),控制感(OR 3.40),自我感知效能(OR 2.69),设施(OR 2.45),个人创新(OR 2.08),社会关系(OR 1.79),主观规范(OR 1.48)和焦虑感(OR 0.62)显着影响了打算在老年人中使用移动医疗应用程序,而财务因素(OR 0.98)则没有。一起考虑 受控的多元逻辑回归得到的高解释方差分别为0.542(Cox-Snell R2)和0.728(Nagelkerke R2)。结论:高的优势比和解释的方差表明,与使用医疗应用程序的意图相关的因素已得到广泛理解,并且已确定了最重要的因素。为了扩大证据基础,实验控制研究应调查因素,使用意图和实际使用之间的因果关系。为此,我们的证据表明,旨在改善使用态度的策略似乎最有效,其次是针对感知的有用性,感知的易用性,服务可用性和控制感的策略。高的优势比和解释的方差表明,与使用医疗应用程序的意图相关的因素已得到广泛理解,并且已确定了最重要的因素。为了扩大证据基础,实验控制研究应调查因素,使用意图和实际使用之间的因果关系。为此,我们的证据表明,旨在改善使用态度的策略似乎最有效,其次是针对感知的有用性,感知的易用性,服务可用性和控制感的策略。高的优势比和解释的方差表明,与使用医疗应用程序的意图相关的因素已得到广泛理解,并且已确定了最重要的因素。为了扩大证据基础,实验控制研究应调查因素,使用意图和实际使用之间的因果关系。为此,我们的证据表明,旨在改善使用态度的策略似乎最有效,其次是针对感知的有用性,感知的易用性,服务可用性和控制感的策略。实验控制研究应调查因素,使用意图和实际使用之间的因果关系。为此,我们的证据表明,旨在改善使用态度的策略似乎最有效,其次是针对感知的有用性,感知的易用性,服务可用性和控制感的策略。实验控制研究应调查因素,使用意图和实际使用之间的因果关系。为此,我们的证据表明,旨在改善使用态度的策略似乎最有效,其次是针对感知的有用性,感知的易用性,服务可用性和控制感的策略。
