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First Record of Box Jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora Conant, 1897 (Cubozoa: Tripedaliidae) from India
Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s41208-020-00242-8
Abdul Riyas , Appukuttannair Biju Kumar

This study reports the occurrence of box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora from the brackish water of Kerala, India for the first time. The other reports of this species were from Jamaica, the Philippines, Ecuador, Japan, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Indonesia, Florida, Thailand, Grand Bahama, Seychelles, Comoros, Australia, Hawaii and the Gulf of Mexico. The present study collected four specimens (two each of male and unidentifiable sex) and preserved them in ethanol. The specimens were identified based on their morphological characteristics and the microscopic examination of different types of nematocysts present in their tentacles. Tripedalia cystophora can be easily distinguished from other smaller box jellyfish by the following characteristic features: flattened three pedalia in the four corners of the bell margin, each with single tentacle, numerous nematocysts scattered around the concentric rings in the tentacles, and four prominent frown- shaped rhopalial niches.


盒装水母Tripedalia cystophora Conant的第一笔记录,1897年(印度):Cubozoa:Tripedaliidae)

这项研究首次报道了印度喀拉拉苦咸水中盒装水母Tripedalia cystophora的出现。该物种的其他报告来自牙买加,菲律宾,厄瓜多尔,日本,波多黎各,巴西,印度尼西亚,佛罗里达州,泰国,大巴哈马,塞舌尔,科摩罗,澳大利亚,夏威夷和墨西哥湾。本研究收集了四个标本(男性和身份不明的男性各两个)并将其保存在乙醇中。根据标本的形态特征和触手中存在的不同类型的线虫囊的显微镜检查来鉴定标本。雷公藤 可以通过以下特征与其他较小的盒装水母轻松区分开:钟形边缘四个角处的三个脚掌变平,每个脚掌都有一个触手,触角的同心环周围散布着许多线虫囊,四个突出的眉状水纹壁。
