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Rapid diversification rates in Amazonian Chrysobalanaceae inferred from plastid genome phylogenetics
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-09 , DOI: 10.1093/botlinnean/boaa052
Jerome Chave 1 , Cynthia Sothers 2 , Amaia Iribar 1 , Uxue Suescun 1 , Mark W Chase 2, 3 , Ghillean T Prance 2

We studied the evolutionary history of Chrysobalanaceae with phylogenetic analyses of complete plastid genomes from 156 species to assess the tempo of diversification in the Neotropics and help to unravel the causes of Amazonian plant diversification. These plastid genomes had a mean length of 162 204 base pairs, and the nearly complete DNA sequence matrix, with reliable fossils, was used to estimate a phylogenetic tree. Chrysobalanaceae diversified from 38.9 Mya (95% highest posterior density, 95% HPD: 34.2–43.9 Mya). A single clade containing almost all Neotropical species arose after a single dispersal event from the Palaeotropics into the Amazonian biome c. 29.1 Mya (95% HPD: 25.5–32.6 Mya), with subsequent dispersals into other Neotropical biomes. All Neotropical genera diversified from 10 to 14 Mya, lending clear support to the role of Andean orogeny as a major cause of diversification in Chrysobalanaceae. In particular, the understory genus Hirtella diversified extremely rapidly, producing > 100 species in the last 6 Myr (95% HPD: 4.9–7.4 Myr). Our study suggests that a large fraction of the Amazonian tree flora has been assembled in situ in the last 15 Myr.



我们通过对156种完整质体基因组进行系统进化分析,研究了金蝶科的进化史,以评估新热带地区的多样化节奏,并帮助阐明亚马逊植物多样化的原因。这些质体基因组的平均长度为162 204个碱基对,并且使用具有可靠的化石的近乎完整的DNA序列矩阵来估计系统发育树。金银花科从38.9 Mya开始多样化(最高后密度为95%,HPD为95%:34.2–43.9 Mya)。从古热带到亚马逊生物群系的一次扩散事件之后,出现了几乎包含所有新热带物种的单一进化枝29.1 Mya(95%HPD:25.5-32.6 Mya),随后扩散到其他新热带生物群落中。所有新热带属从10到14个Mya多样化,这清楚地支持了安第斯造山运动作为金藻科多样化的主要原因。具体地,下层属Hirtella多样化极其迅速地,在过去的6 MYR(95%HPD:4.9-7.4 MYR)产生> 100种。我们的研究表明,在最近的15 Myr中,很大一部分亚马逊树植物已经就地组装。