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Modulation of Reproductive Behavior of Diaphania indica (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) by Preferred and Non-preferred Host Plants
Journal of Insect Behavior ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10905-020-09750-0
Amin Moghbeli Gharaei , Mahdi Ziaaddini , M. Amin Jalali , Gadi V. P. Reddy

The cucumber moth, Diaphania indica (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), is one of the most destructive pests of cucurbitaceous plants all over the world. Previously, we showed that volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from cucumber plants play a crucial role in guiding gravid D. indica females to oviposition sites, whereas watermelon VOCs did not, and females significantly prefer cucumber over watermelon for oviposition. It remained unclear, however, whether preferred and non-preferred host plants also affect moth reproductive behaviors. In the present study we investigated the effect of preferred and non-preferred host plants on female calling, male attraction to female sex pheromone, and mating behavior in D. indica. In the presence of cucumber, virgin females engaged in significantly more calling on the first night than in either the watermelon treatment or the control. Also, we found that the mean time per bout on the first night in the cucumber plant treatment was significantly higher than that of the other two groups. The combination of cucumber foliage with female pheromone significantly increased the attraction and landing of males compared to either watermelon or the control in the wind tunnel. Furthermore, for one-day-old insects mating occurred only in the cucumber treatment. All insects in the cucumber treatment exhibited their first mating on one of the first three nights, but in the watermelon treatment only by night four had all insects mated. We also found that the duration of first mating in cucumber was significantly greater than in either watermelon or control. Overall, our study provides evidence that preferred and non-preferred host plants affect reproductive behaviors in D. indica.



黄瓜蛾,Diaphania indica(鳞翅目:Pyralidae),是全世界葫芦科植物中最具破坏性的害虫之一。以前,我们发现黄瓜植物中的挥发性有机化合物 (VOC) 在引导怀孕的籼稻雌性到产卵地点方面起着至关重要的作用,而西瓜 VOC 则没有,并且雌性明显更喜欢黄瓜而不是西瓜进行产卵。然而,尚不清楚首选和非首选寄主植物是否也会影响飞蛾的繁殖行为。在本研究中,我们调查了首选和非首选寄主植物对 D. indica 的雌性呼唤、雄性对雌性信息素的吸引力和交配行为的影响。在黄瓜的存在下,与西瓜治疗组或对照组相比,处女女性在第一个晚上参与的呼声要高得多。此外,我们发现黄瓜植株处理第一晚的平均每轮时间显着高于其他两组。与西瓜或风洞中的对照相比,黄瓜叶子与雌性信息素的组合显着增加了雄性的吸引力和着陆。此外,对于一天大的昆虫,仅在黄瓜处理中发生交配。黄瓜处理中的所有昆虫在前三个晚上的一个晚上都展示了它们的第一次交配,但在西瓜处理中,仅在第四个晚上,所有昆虫都进行了交配。我们还发现黄瓜第一次交配的持续时间明显长于西瓜或对照。全面的,