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ThinORAM: Towards Practical Oblivious Data Access in Fog Computing Environment
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tsc.2019.2962110
Yanyu Huang , Bo Li , Zheli Liu , Jin Li , Siu-Ming Yiu , Thar Baker , Brij B. Gupta

Oblivious RAM (ORAM) is important for applications that require hiding of access patterns. However, most of existing implementations of ORAM are very expensive, which are infeasible to be deployed in lightweight devices, like the terminal equipment for Internet of Things (IoT). In this article, we focus on how to apply the expensive ORAM to protect access pattern in IoT devices and propose an ORAM scheme supporting thin-client, called “ThinORAM”, under non-colluding clouds. Our proposed scheme removes complicated computations in the client side and requires only $O(1)$O(1) communication cost with a reasonable response time. We further show how to securely deploy ThinORAM in the fog computing environment to achieve oblivious data access with minimum client cost. Experiments show that our scheme can eliminate most of the client storage and reduce the cloud-cloud bandwidth by 2×, with 3× faster response time, when compared to the best scheme that aims at reducing client side overheads.



Oblivious RAM (ORAM) 对于需要隐藏访问模式的应用程序很重要。然而,ORAM 的现有实现大多非常昂贵,无法部署在轻量级设备中,例如物联网 (IoT) 的终端设备。在本文中,我们重点讨论如何应用昂贵的 ORAM 来保护 IoT 设备中的访问模式,并提出一种支持瘦客户端的 ORAM 方案,称为“ThinORAM”,在非共谋云下。我们提出的方案消除了客户端的复杂计算,只需要$O(1)$(1)通信成本与合理的响应时间。我们进一步展示了如何在雾计算环境中安全地部署 ThinORAM,以最小的客户端成本实现不经意的数据访问。实验表明,与旨在减少客户端开销的最佳方案相比,我们的方案可以消除大部分客户端存储,并将云-云带宽减少 2 倍,响应时间快 3 倍。