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Comparing Survival and Movements of Non‐Urban and Urban Translocated Mule Deer
Journal of Wildlife Management ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-06 , DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21935
Chloe A. Wright 1 , Ian T. Adams 2 , Patrick Stent 3 , Adam T. Ford 1

In many parts of North America, deer (Odocoileus spp.) have adapted to live in urban areas and are a source of negative human‐wildlife interactions. Management strategies such as culling, immunocontraceptives, sterilization, and translocation have been implemented to manage urban deer populations. In the East Kootenay region of southern British Columbia, urban mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) populations have been increasing, whereas non‐urban mule deer populations have decreased. In 2014 a non‐urban mule deer research project began in the area and in 2016 an urban deer translocation trial was approved in the same region. We fit 121 non‐urban deer with global positioning system (GPS)‐collars and translocated 135 urban mule deer to non‐urban areas, of which 57 were fit with GPS‐collars. We tested if annual survival between urban translocated (i.e., translocated) and non‐urban deer differed, and if translocated deer survival increased in subsequent years after translocation. We also determined if age, body condition, release site, capture area and distance between capture and release sites affected translocated deer survival. We evaluated if translocated deer exhibited different movement behaviors than non‐urban deer by comparing probability of migration, maximum net displacement, home range size, and probability of crossing a paved road. Finally, during our study we observed some translocated deer return to a municipal area after translocation and assessed if any covariates such as age, release site, or capture city could help predict this behavior. Annual survival of translocated deer was 0.48 and was significantly lower than survival of non‐urban deer, which was 0.77. We observed 20 of 57 collared translocated deer return to a town after translocation. Translocated deer had larger net displacements and larger seasonal home range sizes than non‐urban deer. Non‐urban deer were more likely to migrate than translocated deer and crossed fewer paved roads than translocated deer. The management effectiveness of translocation to reduce urban deer densities is mixed because annual survival of translocated deer may be lower than may be acceptable to some stakeholders. Additionally, some translocated deer returned to an urban area, and the large distances traveled by deer after translocation may unintentionally spread disease. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.



在北美许多地区,鹿(Odocoileus spp。)已适应生活在城市地区,是人类与野生动物互动消极的根源。已实施了扑杀,免疫避孕,绝育和易位等管理策略来管理城市鹿种群。在不列颠哥伦比亚省南部的东库特尼地区,城市m鹿(Odocoileus hemionus)种群在增加,而非城市m鹿的种群在减少。2014年,该地区开始了一项非城市m鹿研究项目,2016年,该地区批准了城市鹿易位试验。我们为121只非城市鹿提供了全球定位系统(GPS)项圈,并将135只城市m鹿转移到了非城市地区,其中57只适合于GPS项圈。我们测试了城市易位(即易位)和非城市鹿之间的年生存率是否存在差异,以及易位后几年中易位鹿的生存率是否增加。我们还确定了年龄,身体状况,释放部位,捕获面积以及捕获与释放部位之间的距离是否影响易位鹿的生存。我们通过比较迁徙的概率,最大净位移,居所范围的大小和过铺路的概率,来评估易位鹿是否表现出与非城市鹿不同的运动行为。最后,在我们的研究中,我们观察到一些易位的鹿在易位后返回市区,并评估了是否有任何协变量,例如年龄,释放地点或捕获城市等可以帮助预测这种行为。易位鹿的年生存率为0.48,显着低于非城市鹿的生存率0.77。我们观察到57只颈圈易位鹿中的20只在易位后返回城镇。与非城市鹿相比,易位鹿的净排水量更大,季节性居所面积更大。非城市鹿比易位鹿更容易迁徙,比易位鹿越过更少的铺路。由于降低了鹿的年生存率可能低于某些利益相关者的接受程度,因此降低鹿在城市管理中的管理效率是混合的。此外,一些易位的鹿返回了市区,而易位后鹿走的距离很长,可能会无意间传播疾病。©2020野生动物协会。